Modern issues
It is not a secret that amount of parking places is unequal to the number of cars. In addition, the same inequality could be seen in several different districts of the city. Therefore, it may hard to find even payed parking place in the downtown, while there are thousands of free places in other part of the city. It gives parking spot owners an ability to increase the prices, which makes parking not affordable for most drivers.
In addition, it is hard to find parking place itself. You may even spend 40 minutes searching for the option, which is terrible waste of time. How many times have you been late because of searching for the parking place? In the same time, there are a lot of free parking spots, but most of drivers are unable to afford it, because the price is too high. Therefore, some spots are overloaded, and some have just several cars on them.
You should also look for the ecological problems: you cannot turn off your engine all the time you are looking for the parking spot, so you keep on burning your fuel. It causes two major issues. First: you have to pay more for the fuel, because you literally waste some part of it. Second, burning the fuel harms the air of your city and your planet. There is only one positive outcome: people start to buy cars, which were designed for short-ranged trips within the city, or even electric cars.
Why do existing apps do not solve the problem?
There are plenty of reasons, but most important is the absence of unified database with actual data. Let us clarify: you open the app and watch for the options. In several seconds, you got the picked one, but while you had been driving to the location the spot has been taken by another person.
Most of apps do not give you an opportunity to reserve a place, because some people may reserve spot, but do not take it. Moreover, spot owner have no opportunity to block such unpleasant customers, because nothing prevents them from creating another account.
One more issue is that most of apps are local; they work only in one single city or state, which is completely inconvenient for people, who prefer to travel by car. Fortunately, there is a solution and its name is PARQ.
PARQ is blockchain application for both parking spot owners and drivers, but drivers seem to be the top priority. In addition, they provide users with different IoT devices, which improve the experience and allows to be sure that you are on the way to free spot, or that person, who had reserved the spot is on the way.
PARQ ICO is live, so we advise you to buy several thousands of them. Today the application is running within Netherlands only, but after ICO, company is going to reach its priority markets: USA, Canada, Europe and Asia. By tokens now and save up to 50% of your parking expenses.
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