This climber is really very good as a camouflage or as a curtain for privacy and hiding an old building! This plant must be quite old to spread so wide! Love to see the leaves changing colour in autumn!
Is the sap of Boston Ivy poisonous?
But this will work for some location. Here, if we have a bush like this, we will certainly find several snakes hiding inside!
Thank you for sharing!
As far as i know it is not posionous, but you would not eat it. Be nice to Snakes, they're cool.
Thank you for your reply! It's good to know that this climber is not poisonous. I am not afraid of snakes like my gardener and most villagers I know! I would just tell them to go their way. Now we have a small family of green snakes in my garden! They are poisonous but they are not aggressive.