BioParticle Physics pt. 1

in #particle8 years ago (edited)

What is bioparticle physics and why doesn't it exist in the scientific community?
Lets break down the words here. Bio : Biological ( meaning within a living organism) Particle ( tiny little things you can't see with the naked eye (energy mostly) ) and Physics ( the function, movement and mechanism to a given object) . Now lets put it back together. A living organism's tiny little things that can't be seen with the naked eye (energy mostly) moving and functioning in a manner that interacts with the mechanism of its choosing.
Our bodies are not just flesh and bone. At the core and probably the first function after the sperm meets the egg when life is formed is the energy. In Eastern tradition they call it chi and for every other religion on earth it is called spirit, soul, life force, prana, and oh look there's a ghost!!!

Its all the same thing but what is it?
At the first moment when mommy and daddy were boinging in the back of some random vehicle they had an oopsie and made you. When the egg of your mommy began to be eaten out by the sperm of your daddies long john slivers a spark was formed between the two.
This spark caused by a zinc interaction (particles) created an electrical response which promoted the growth of the beautiful lifeform that you are. As you grew into the human form through particle interaction based on the chemicals and energy withing the womb of your mother so sparked memory (as soon as the brain developed). However what comes first? The brain or the heart ? The heart of course. In fact the Heart is one of the first innards that grow. Why? It holds the energy and movement needed to distribute cells through the all of your form! Your brain develops later.
This movement is only able to do so from the magnetism of the particles of your cells via the electron shells (which is the movement the force). I think its time to go on a visual trip. Lets start with the cell and go micro then extend back out until you see the big picture. Its quite the complicated process but lets see if it makes sense to you shall we?
First here is a diagram of the Cell, do you see the circle within the circle? Its called a nucleus.


Now lets zoom in on the nucleus....oh look its a diagram of an atom! In the Nucleus contains Protons and Neutrons. Protons have a positive charge + and the Neutron is neutral ( 0 ). They bond together because of magnetism (the force) which is why we have electrons which are a negative charge (the movement of the particles within a cell and outside a cell.
atom (1).jpg

Now lets zoom in more on the protons and neutrons. Question is why do the + Protons connect with the Neutrons and the Electrons dance around the two? Well how was the universe created? 0 point (strong force).


Now lets zoom in even more on the structure of the neutron and proton. Within the two we have quarks. The quarks have a specific set of charges within the two particles. What creates charge? Electricity static magnetic force.....

The motion of these quarks are in fact the reason why the neutron and proton attract the electron dances around because it is pure energy its too much and does not contain the quarks that the proton and neutron have. Its that little lightbringer that rebels and puts everything together.

Now lets zoom in on the quarks. Now look at that little strings holding the charges together We call those gluons. reality_gluon.jpeg ![the-nucelus-and-strong-nuclear-force.gif()

Sadly there are no words for the next part of the anatomy of the microcosm of has not discovered it yet. Darn no diagram. Well within the charges of the quarks and gluons are a structure of three particles that have not been discovered that create the up or down charge within the quark and there is one unnamed element within the gluon that helps create the bonds of the quarks. Humanity does not have the technology to see this yet. Just like they do not have the technology to see the other world within the physical world that you see today.
Now! Lets zoom out back to the cell.
Now within the nucleus of the cell contains the chromosome which holds the building blocks of life DNA atom (1).jpg
Within the DNA there are strings that hold together specific properties . dna-structure.png

That in sequence form YOU and everything else by holding various atoms together which bear a sequence chemically.
The little circles are various chemical constructs that when you zoom in look like:
And we are back to the atomic diagram
atom (1).jpg

Lengthy isnt it? The chemical properties within the ladder of the DNA codex are bonded together by the electron cell walls that move around the protons and neutrons. Cool huh?
What the fuck does that have to do with the original paragraph BIOPARTICLEPHYSICS?!!
Well being that the core base of everything is forces and electricity of various forms that means if the micro cosmos are the same as the macrocosm then we too just like the particles that make up our bodies . Therefore interacting with other life forms and environmental properties through energetic and magnetic interactions. ( i.e. Telepathy, Telekinesis, mind control and all that weird psychic paranormal shit that scientists say don't exist but in fact really does)
Whats with the ghost and spirit mentioning?
Well after learning about that little spark of life that assisted in the creation of the physical properties of your existence that little spark of life through interactions of the web of your genetic coding which bases itsself in your core ( the nervous system) protected by your guts and spine it grows and is constantly expanding through your entire body via the ventricles of your nerves which makes you feel and sense things ( bearing consciousness.) You can call it the kundalini or whatever it doesn't matter.nervous-system234.jpg
What matters is there is a science behind the spirit and through experimentation using this energy you can alter the matrix. I'm going to have to write a part 2 to this because as you can see this is going to be a LOOOOOOOOONG STORY.


Interesting... I think it is good to note that while science places the brain as the seat of consciousness even though they don't know what it is, the ancient mystery traditions considered the heart to be the center of consciousness. When you consider that your heart is what causes the ferrous fluid that is your blood to flow throughout your body creating all kinds of wonderous field dynamics. Since the mind and consciousness and even emotions appear to behave more along the nature of field dynamics rather than physical ones it makes sense that the heart is formed first before the brain.

Yes and according to the process of fertilization the heart does form before the brain. It is the epicenter and it also creates a magnetosphere for the body through the process of blood flow so much energy in the blood its like our battery fluid.

yes while also being like our dynamo generating the bioelectrical energy needed to power our bodily functions at right angles to our magnetic fields. Very good stuff so long as it stays in the body but it will stain the hell out of a carpet worse than red wine.

I'm sort of able to follow this, it makes my brain work harder than it's used to. Good for increasing brain function, especially at my age.