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RE: Love that is True Is Perfect

in #partiko5 years ago

I think that it would be silly for me to try enter into a debate with a 'agnostic- atheist' Instead I will allow you to do the work...I understand that you do not feel that christianity is any different from any other religion, but I must take your oppinion with a grain of salt because you have admitted that you do not believe that GOD exists or that there is no such notion.

I also want to point out that it is not a psychological fact that every action is selfish (because psychology is a scientific discipln and facts can only be established in a lab) However it is a Biblical fact that ever human action is selfish (which explains why all of mankind needs to be regenerated).

1 Corinthians 1:18 says:
-For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. -

So you are unable to understand my arguments, however all is not lost because I am confident that just through these conversations you are able to tell that I am unlike other people. The uniqueness steems from my effort to Love people. A definition of 'how to Love" that I enjoy is

Philippians 2:3-11
3 Don’t let selfishness and prideful agendas take over. Embrace true humility, and lift your heads to extend love to others. 4 Get beyond yourselves and protecting your own interests; be sincere, and secure your neighbors’ interests first.

5 In other words, adopt the mind-set of Jesus the Anointed. Live with His attitude in your hearts. Remember:

Though He was in the form of God,
He chose not to cling to equality with God;
But He poured Himself out to fill a vessel brand new;
a servant in form
and a man indeed.
The very likeness of humanity,
He humbled Himself,
obedient to death—
a merciless death on the cross!
So God raised Him up to the highest place
and gave Him the name above all.
So when His name is called,
every knee will bow,[a]
in heaven, on earth, and below.
And every tongue will confess[b]
“Jesus, the Anointed One, is Lord,”
to the glory of God our Father!


facts can only be established in a lab

That's just wrong.

Scientific facts can be found everywhere in the world if you know how to find them. You can for example estimate the radius of the earth just using a stopwatch.
Especially in psychology you can easily observe the facts just by critically observing your own or other peoples behaviour for example in this conversation.
In general science is not about being in a lab, but about closely observing the world. Sometimes a lab is needed to take a more detailed look, but most of the time your own eyes and ears are good enough to observe your environment.

You speak about love, but still you are spreading misinformation("facts can only be established in a lab") and you are also assuming to be worth more then everybody else("I am confident that just through these conversations you are able to tell that I am unlike other people.") which is quite a selfish thought and definitely not true.
Have you done anything for the world except pretending to love it?
Did you ever give a single cent to the poor people as jesus tells you to?
Are you at least trying to protect the limited resources of our earth? Or are you wasting "god's creation"?
Don't you have a gun in case you needed to protect yourself from those you pretend to love?
Don't you use a car that pollutes our atmosphere instead of travelling from one place to another as the people described in the bible did?
Don't you possess a phone or clothes or similar things that were manufactured under bad working conditions by poor people in the third world?

You WANT to think you are good(that's the point where you are SELFISH), but you aren't! Look at the list of questions above. One wrong answer and you are in some way selfish like every single human!

And still you ignore all that, still pretend you are selfless?
You must be a true believer denier!

I am not going to be lectured by an athiest that thinks that he found the 'flaw' in christianity. I already told you that I am not perfect when it comes to showing LOVE. But I am able to put two and two together. By your own admission you do not have a relationship with LOVE, therefore you can not possibly explain to others how to demonstrate Love . You do not fool me you are simply a weak minded individual that hopes that they can get on a platform so that they can spread their ignorance to others...well I am not going to allow that to happen, please stop communicating with me because all you want to do is spread hate while you do not listen!