Pokimane Gave Her Hot Take on Valorant – And Boy, Is She on the Money: Max Moeller
Valorant is a mixture of Counter-Strike and Overwatch's personality and abilities. Twitch star Pokimane thinks it will destroy the latter. The post Pokimane Gave Her Hot Take on Valorant – And Boy, Is She on the Money appeared first on CCN.com
Spain’s Coronavirus Explosion: A Terrifying Omen for Europe: William Ebbs
The European Union finally moves to restrict travel into the continent. But the move is too late to prevent massive community spread, especially in Spain. The post Spain’s Coronavirus Explosion: A Terrifying Omen for Europe appeared first on CCN.com
Canada’s Border Closing Won’t Save Them From This Baffling Oversight: Aaron Weaver
Canada announced the closure of its borders today. Unfortunately, this won't stop the spread of the coronavirus if it doesn't fix its underlying issues. Canada's biggest problems are still coming from within its borders. The post Canada’s Border Closing Won’t…
The Xbox Series X Is a Beast – It Might Even Convert PS5 Zealots: Thomas Bardwell
Microsoft unveiled the full specifications of the Xbox Series X. The reaction - even from PS5 stans - has been nothing short of positive. The post The Xbox Series X Is a Beast – It Might Even Convert PS5 Zealots appeared first on CCN.com
This Is Why the Dow Jones Suffered a 2,500-Point Crash Today: Francois Aure
The Dow Jones crashed 2,500 points on Monday because the coronavirus continues to look more like a marathon than a sprint. The post This Is Why the Dow Jones Suffered a 2,500-Point Crash Today appeared first on CCN.com
Chinese Economy Collapses in the First Quarter – Is the U.S Next?: William Ebbs
The Chinese economy is collapsing across the board. As quarantines and travel restrictions sweep the world, the U.S. could be next. The post Chinese Economy Collapses in the First Quarter – Is the U.S Next? appeared first on CCN.com
If You’re Crazy Enough to Play The Stock Market, Staples Are Your Best Shot: Stephanie Bedard-Chateauneuf
As the coronavirus crisis is causing deep shocks to the stock market, consumer staples stocks are acting as the best defense. The post If You’re Crazy Enough to Play The Stock Market, Staples Are Your Best Shot appeared first on CCN.com
3 Reasons Why Boeing Stock Is Crashing Even Harder Than the Dow: W. E. Messamore
The Fed's rate cut to 0% couldn't save the Dow Monday, but Boeing stock led losses because of the airline maker's severe vulnerabilities. The post 3 Reasons Why Boeing Stock Is Crashing Even Harder Than the Dow appeared first on CCN.com
Sorry Animal Crossing Fans, Coronavirus Won’t Make Nintendo Release New Horizons Early: William Worrall
Animal Crossing: New Horizon fans want Nintendo to release the game early due to the coronavirus pandemic. That's an unreasonable demand. The post Sorry Animal Crossing Fans, Coronavirus Won’t Make Nintendo Release New Horizons Early appeared first on CCN.com
Coronavirus ‘Patient Zero’ May Have Started Pandemic In November or Earlier: Simon Chandler
Chinese government data suggest the coronavirus began spreading as early as November, but it still can't confirm 'Patient Zero.' The post Coronavirus ‘Patient Zero’ May Have Started Pandemic In November or Earlier appeared first on CCN.com
New York Just Delivered Its Most Terrifying Coronavirus Warning Yet: Josiah Wilmoth
New York just delivered its most terrifying coronavirus warning yet, conjuring echoes of Italy's healthcare system collapse. The post New York Just Delivered Its Most Terrifying Coronavirus Warning Yet appeared first on CCN.com
Scary Chart Reveals Stock Market Spiral Can Turn Really Ugly: Ben Brown
Stocks have been wildly decoupled from fundamental corporate earnings since 2015. This crash could drag the market back down to reality. The post Scary Chart Reveals Stock Market Spiral Can Turn Really Ugly appeared first on CCN.com
The U.S. Stock Market Could Crash Another 25% If This Nightmare Scenario Unfolds: Harsh Chauhan
The U.S. stock market crash could get worse as the Dow and S&P 500's losses this year could exceed the Great Recession of 2008. The post The U.S. Stock Market Could Crash Another 25% If This Nightmare Scenario Unfolds appeared first on CCN.com
Forget Pokimane: Bernie Sanders Just Became a Breakout Twitch Star: Thomas Bardwell
Watch out Pokimane, you're about to face some unexpected competition from Twitch's next breakout star: Bernie Sanders. The post Forget Pokimane: Bernie Sanders Just Became a Breakout Twitch Star appeared first on CCN.com
Coronavirus Sounds the Death Knell for Almost Every Airline Stock: Mark Emem
The coronavirus pandemic is sounding the death knell for almost every airline stock, and the crash could drag down Boeing too. The post Coronavirus Sounds the Death Knell for Almost Every Airline Stock appeared first on CCN.com
Trump’s Elusive 4-6% GDP Growth Will Come Too Late: Goldman Sachs: Mark Emem
President Trump campaigned on delivering 4-6% GDP growth, but this has eluded him. The rebound after the coronavirus pandemic could solve that, but it may be too little, too late. The post Trump’s Elusive 4-6% GDP Growth Will Come Too Late: Goldman Sachs appe…
Microsoft Really is Getting Your Xbox Series X to Run Like a Fridge: William Worrall
The Xbox Series X has just had a huge info dump, and it mostly seems to revolve around how cool the console is going to be. The post Microsoft Really is Getting Your Xbox Series X to Run Like a Fridge appeared first on CCN.com
Why Ford Stock Will Never Recover from the Coronavirus Crash: Ayush Singh
Coronavirus has rattled the entire U.S. stock market, but Ford stock faces an even more devastating one-two punch from COVID-19. The post Why Ford Stock Will Never Recover from the Coronavirus Crash appeared first on CCN.com
PSN and Xbox Live Servers Survive First Global Pandemic Stress-Test: Thomas Bardwell
As demand for gaming services surge in the wake of the coronavirus, Xbox Live and PSN weather the first global pandemic stress-test. The post PSN and Xbox Live Servers Survive First Global Pandemic Stress-Test appeared first on CCN.com
Dow Jones Collapses Because New York Is Now Wuhan: Ben Brown
Wuhan went into complete lockdown after 500 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus Covid-19. New York City is now dangerously close to that same figure. The post Dow Jones Collapses Because New York Is Now Wuhan appeared first on CCN.com
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