Virgin Galactic Stock Is Nothing Like Tesla – It’S Light-Years Worse

in #partiko5 years ago

This PS5 Concept Art Has One Genius Feature Sony Should Steal: Thomas Bardwell

A new PlayStation 5 mock concept design with one particularly novel feature offers another compelling take on Sony's upcoming console. The post This PS5 Concept Art Has One Genius Feature Sony Should Steal appeared first on

Dow Nosedives After New York Coronavirus Panic Spooks Stock Market: Francois Aure

The Dow Jones reversed sharply on Wednesday because positive housing market data was overshadowed by fears of a coronavirus breakout in New York. The post Dow Nosedives After New York Coronavirus Panic Spooks Stock Market appeared first on

Ugly Trump Bias Confession Gives ABC News Another Black Eye: W. E. Messamore

An ABC News reporter exposed ugly Trump bias and corruption at the Disney-owned news outlet. Between this and Epstein, is ABC finished? The post Ugly Trump Bias Confession Gives ABC News Another Black Eye appeared first on

Bitcoin Crashes Along With U.S. Stocks, Exposing ‘Haven’ Myth: Sam Bourgi

Bitcoin's sudden flash crash pours cold water on the narrative that it has become a reliable safe-haven asset. The post Bitcoin Crashes Along With U.S. Stocks, Exposing ‘Haven’ Myth appeared first on

After CBS Disaster, News Networks Shouldn’t Host Presidential Debates: W. E. Messamore

After the CBS Democratic debate "disaster" it's time for news networks to just report and broadcast debates, and let other institutions host. The post After CBS Disaster, News Networks Shouldn’t Host Presidential Debates appeared first on

Prince Harry’s ‘Everyman’ Shtick Jars With What Meghan Markle Is Selling: Aubrey Hansen

Prince Harry may be telling people he's "simply Harry," but Meghan Markle's "Hollywood royal" brand isn't built on the appeal of an everyman. The post Prince Harry’s ‘Everyman’ Shtick Jars With What Meghan Markle Is Selling appeared first on

Coronavirus Mask Shortage Makes Even World’s Richest Country Nervy: W. E. Messamore

The coronavirus mask shortage shows that even the world's richest countries are nervous about the difficulty of obtaining medical supplies. The post Coronavirus Mask Shortage Makes Even World’s Richest Country Nervy appeared first on

Coronavirus Could Crush Overvalued Amazon Stock: Ayush Singh

The supply chain disruption caused by coronavirus is impacting almost all companies, but it'll be brutal for Jeff Bezos' Amazon. The post Coronavirus Could Crush Overvalued Amazon Stock appeared first on

Clueless Bureaucrats Blame Apple for Tesla Driver’s Stupidity: Mark Emem

Clueless bureaucrats blamed Apple for the Tesla Model X crash that killed its employee...who was playing video games while driving. The post Clueless Bureaucrats Blame Apple for Tesla Driver’s Stupidity appeared first on

Donald Trump Will Rescue the Stock Market Just in Time for His Re-Election Campaign: Kiril Nikolaev

Donald Trump and his team may be the masterminds of the stock-market selloff. He may use the crash to force the Fed to cut rates. The post Donald Trump Will Rescue the Stock Market Just in Time for His Re-Election Campaign appeared first on

Coronavirus Is Creating Weird Real-Life Parallels to Death Stranding: Thomas Bardwell

A strange scene in Innsbruck, Austria, yesterday saw Death Stranding bleed into the real-world as fears over the coronavirus mount. The post Coronavirus Is Creating Weird Real-Life Parallels to Death Stranding appeared first on

Coronavirus Is a Pandemic Whether the WHO Admits It or Not: Laura Hoy

WHO won't label the coronavirus pandemic' but it's only a matter of time before the organization is forced to confront its severity. The post Coronavirus Is a Pandemic Whether the WHO Admits It or Not appeared first on

Red Sox Prospect’s Coronavirus Quarantine Is Only the Beginning: Aubrey Hansen

As the Boston Red Sox quarantine a player due to coronavirus fears, it's time for a wake-up call about the outbreak's impact on sports. The post Red Sox Prospect’s Coronavirus Quarantine Is Only the Beginning appeared first on

Sterling Faces Do-or-Die Real Madrid Audition in Europe’s Grandest Stage: Simon Fletcher

Raheem Sterling has one chance to show Real Madrid that he must be the player they make their next galactico. The post Sterling Faces Do-or-Die Real Madrid Audition in Europe’s Grandest Stage appeared first on

Dow Futures Collapse as Coronavirus Outbreak Infects U.S. Military: Ben Brown

An American soldier stationed in South Korea becomes the first member of the U.S. military to contract the COVID-19 coronavirus. The post Dow Futures Collapse as Coronavirus Outbreak Infects U.S. Military appeared first on

March’s Free PS Plus Games – There’s Good News & There’s Bad News: Thomas Bardwell

According to an advertisement on Polish site, next month's PlayStation Plus games are Shadow of the Colossus and Sonic Forces. The post March’s Free PS Plus Games – There’s Good News & There’s Bad News appeared first on

Major Steam Search Upgrade is Terrible For Your Bloated Game Library: Thomas Bardwell

Steam's shiny new search features should now make it easier than ever to sort through the piffle and find games worth playing. The post Major Steam Search Upgrade is Terrible For Your Bloated Game Library appeared first on

S.Korea Coronavirus Cases Hit 1,250 but JPMorgan Warns of 10,000 Peak: Joseph Young

South Korea just announced 115 new confirmed cases of coronavirus, taking the total tally to a 1,261, as the epidemic spreads to more cities. The post S.Korea Coronavirus Cases Hit 1,250 but JPMorgan Warns of 10,000 Peak appeared first on

$10,000 Free Cash: Hong Kong’s Handout During Coronavirus Crisis Explained: Joseph Young

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Hong Kong is bumping up its spending to help its residents as coronavirus fears intensify. The post $10,000 Free Cash: Hong Kong’s Handout During Coronavirus Crisis Explained appeared first on

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