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RE: Why Do Googly Eyes Start with GO?

in #partiko6 years ago (edited)

Now let me tell you, the most fun you'll have with #GooglyEyes is actually going out with them :D sooo... that totally makes sense now... GO! took me a moment but yes, that makes so much sense!

I wish the googly would have been more prominent in the picture but that was one curious post none the less!

Thanks for posting with #GooglyEyes!


Sometimes you just have to jump in and start swimming. This was so much fun, I will be doing it again next week. I have been "eyeing" my neighbor's garden gnome.... hmmmmmm

the neighbour's gnome... krkrkr... we'll have to see about that :D

Sounds like you're planning for "eyes-on-eyes" but I'll let you surprise us.