So sorry to hear that!
Don’t let your imagination carry you away, they are more affraid of you then you are of them!
Posted using Partiko iOS
So sorry to hear that!
Don’t let your imagination carry you away, they are more affraid of you then you are of them!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I hope you are right ! 😂
Posted using Partiko Android
It is rather funny,that I saw you were from S Africa, I was going to ask how safe it was, I always wanted to go to Gansbasi. shark cage diving... read so much here about crime etc... but know how news can distort things... thought a local would have a better opinion
Posted using Partiko iOS
No its probably as bad as you read in the news, maybe even more. Unfortunately! I mean we love this country but a lot of people are leaving because its becoming super dangerous.
For instance, at my house I have electric fencing, alarm beams all around the house, safety gates by all the doors and a safety gate in front of my bedroom door.
I also have 2 way radios next to my bed and in the kitchen and I sleep with a gun within arms reach.
If that's not hectic then I dont know what is, I'm also not a unique case, that's how we live here.
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh my.... I have never experienced anything close to that. It would be a difficult way to live for sure. Amazing how people adapt and deal with it though.
Stay safe!! Keep riding!!
Posted using Partiko iOS