Holiday mood is still on the air..when i check my small garden i was so excited to see my ladies finger plant is fruiting wahhhh...\n\n\n\n
\n\nMy cucumber plant is flowering\n\n
\n\nMy purple cill is poping out... any tips how to grow a tomato? I have no luck on tomato yet the tree always being attacked by the white thingii..\n\nLets pray the grasshopper will not attacked the plant... Crossfingger..\n\n\n\nPosted using Partiko Android
All my sayur-sayuran tiada harapan lo. My pumpkin panjang menjalar, but no buah yet. Stress
Mau kasi baja tu con..
Baja apa ko pakai Lo? Taik ayam?
Posted using Partiko iOS
Ko kasi baja ezi grow tu... Capat berbunga tu
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