Boy you were quick of the mark with a real time post. I just found it. Brilliant work dude.
I'm editing the video of the Baldstock gig should be ready by tomorrow.
We will have to sort out another meet up. Maybe Basil and Sapphira could hold one up in Norwich.
hey yeah, thats definitely a possibility....
Let's do this thang. I'm up for it for sure and as Steve said there are other steemians out East.
I watched Sapphira's YouTube videos...all of them are just brilliant.
Very talented song writer.
I felt I ought to get one out at the time, but the picture did not come out too well. I hope people will check out you and the others. There are a few more Steemians further east who might want to come along to an event.
Sounds like a great idea. I haven't been to Norwich in years.
Looks like we all had some camera issues. I forgot to turn the mic on for the video! 😱
Doh! We're supposed to be the tech-savvy ones :)
Haha I know. Guess I got caught up in all the excitement. 👍😂