What keywords are you using, what tools are you using?
Hmm, maybe I wasn't clear enough. Let's say you are doing Korean cook videos, and you are posting your content on an American website, and you assumed this might be the right audience because people like to cook whatsoever... But the thing you didn't know is that Americans hate Koreans.. they are clicking on your video, and if you are very lucky they leave a negative comment or a dislike... but if you aren't they might watch you video only a few seconds... If your video is only on Youtube probably, it won't matter because they aren't looking for that keyword(so it won't pop up) like you mentioned, but the thing is that you need to create backlinks and that "cooking" isn't "cooking." So you have to find your audience and promote the right content at that website/platform to grow your channel.
The most important thing on Youtube is research, sometimes it takes me days to research a keyword. Some videos I do because of my subscribers of course and I don't mind because that's what I love doing. And I know that I can help someone with it 😬 but most of the requested videos are very specific, and other people aren't interested in it so it will get hardly any views...