Food porn #2 The chef was at it again. This time making our third meatless meal. Taco grain bowl with crispy chipotle chickpeas. For a taco lover this is the next best thing
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Food porn #2 The chef was at it again. This time making our third meatless meal. Taco grain bowl with crispy chipotle chickpeas. For a taco lover this is the next best thing
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That looks mighty fine! Mmmm!!
It was honestly amazing! Te chickpeas were so crispy! It tasted like tacos. I highly recommend
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You guys are so brave to be always trying new and beautiful dishes like that! Hey, when do you go back to school? The boys' first day was today!
We went back Tuesday! Hope they had a great first day! :)
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They had SUCH A good day today! Photos coming tomorrow hehehe...
looking good yet once again. mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Looks delish! Ill have to try it
Michael. This is us, is my daughter and son-in-law. I appreciate your comment. They are new to steemit
Yes I am aware 👍
ah. you see I am always out of the loop