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RE: Follow Your Passions! And... Just WHY Should We Do That?

in #passion7 years ago

I have always found this "follow you passions" advice to be somewhat depressing. Primarily because I don't have any!

I envy people who feel really passionate about things. I don't! I don't have a great desire to change the world, or make others lives better, or create art, or write or cook or anything. So where does that leave me?

In the past it left me in deep depressions until, somewhere along the line, I accepted it. It still leaves me in a place of not knowing what to do with my life which can translate into not knowing what to do with my day.

I enjoy things when I'm doing them or involved in them but nothing calls me from the future.

I used to be passionate about travelling but even that is great when I do it but I have no desire to actually set it in motion.

And . . . nobody has every answered the question - what do you do when you don't have any passions? The most common answer is you do, but you do't know what they are. Well I spent a lot of years looking for them and came up empty!