Passion - What is it? How do you see passion?

in #passion7 years ago (edited)

"If they took away my paints I’d use pastels. If they took away my pastels I’d use crayons. If they took away my crayons I’d use pencils. If they stripped me naked and threw me in prison I’d spit on my finger and paint on the walls." - Pablo Picasso

That's how I see passion..
What about you?

This is just me, but I personally believe it's not something you're born with so why do most people keep talking about it as if they know what will become of their passion when they really don't understand what passion is. Unless you know what passion is, you shouldn't be talking about passion. Passion is something everyone creates and recreates every day in their life. It's something everyone builds upon every day.

Passion is something that you create over time. IN IT'S MOST LITERAL SENSE, passion is more than just your interest and sometimes it can EVEN be more than something you don't feel is worth your time looking into. Sometimes.....passion can EVEN appear the person whom is always seeking what they want to do only and never wanting to try anything new or step out of their comfort zone in their realm of "passion". Like my uncle whom sells life insurance once told me.......what he does is not his passion, but a VEHICLE that will get him to his end goal. Now that's true passion right there.

"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success." - Stephen A. Brennan

If you look at the Etymology, the study of the origin of words..
Passion branched from the latin word "suffer".

Not trying to be biblical here, but..
EVEN in the the phrase..
"Passion of Christ"

You can see it there when you look at Christ and pay close attention to Jesus's works in his life. Key thing to remember from his story rather you're a christian believer or not is how it relates to the word "passion". Jesus helps people even if he is suffering. Shouldn't that be what everyone should be doing? Instead of being focus on your understanding of what passion means to you, understand what true passion is. It involves helping and recreating...redefining your passion everyday.

Sometimes, it's only in the mist of struggles that you begin to understand what passion really means. That's when you start to continue creating and defining....molding what your true passion is. Don't get stuck to learning one thing. Embrace all types of knowledge and help people whenever you can. Over time, that will help you create, recreate and build upon your passion.

Consider everything a transferable skill or a vehicle to get you to your end goal..

It's interesting what multi-disciplines connects in this world we call life..
when you learn to stop to smell the flowers of life (reference to the Fibonacci sequences given by nature and God)

Everything connects..
.....when you stop to analyze the bigger picture called "life"

as a bonus video to make you think..

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