Adventure lies on the other side of fear. Whatever you're afraid of, or which makes your heart skip a beat, that's probably the thing you need to be doing.
Mehn these are hard words and they hit me like crazy. Sometimes we get scared of doing things and so wouldn't even want to give it a try. I fall into this category too. Sometimes we need to take the bull by the horn and tell ourselves we can do it against all odds.
Truth is , most times when we finally do those things, we become successful at them and they become part of our success story just the way you are telling yours now.
You see, living out my vision did not end up as monetarily successful. Most people would consider this a failure story, since I ended up broke at the end. For me, it was success, because I was scared of doing this. The idea of just throwing everything to the wind for a creative vision is not something that most people would do, but for me the meaning and experiences were profound. I would not trade it for any amount of money.