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RE: I Was The Patron Saint of Postcards in California: Adventure Lies on the Other Side of Fear

in #passion7 years ago

Yes jump for you will fly. There's so much out there, beyond the confines of our familiar space, if we can but find the guts to put our feet into the water.

So many of us, me included have let fear rule us for so long that we have missed many opportunities to experience great things; jobs, romance, cultures, etc. We have stuck to the familiar sidewalk on our way to our boring work and back to our lonely homes.

I used to love to live hidden in my comfort zone. Living day in day out in zombie land. I took no risks, learnt no new thing, didn't fall in love with a pretty girl on a bus in some remote highway; nothing. All my experiences were gathered from books and films.

I have decided to change the status quo. I am travelling and I intend to visit as much cities as I can before I fall. You see I have jumped as you said @stellabelle. It is scary... Sometimes I feel like packing my bag and going back home but it's also an awesome feeling, that feeling of being unanchored; freedom to become.

Thank you for this great post. It is your zest for life that led you to become the patron saint of postcards. See the experiences you gathered in that period.
I guarantee that your life changed forever in little way after that time.

Thank you for the post. Peace.


it did. It is partly the reason I am here. That time came because of the bankers.....I lived out this fantasy when the economy split apart due to the predatory loans, and my 401K nearly dissolved before my eyes. As I broke free, during this time Bitcoin was born. It was for me the time that i began to realize that corporations cannot really fulfill us. I also knew that I would have to rely on myself in the future. This was the beginning of those realizations. It's all connected.

Yes!! I feel connected to this because I just lost my job when I discovered steemit. But before then, I had grown tired of the corporate world and the rat race and the stagnancy. I wanted out so bad that when the axe fell, I felt nothing.

I was having my bath one morning after three weeks in steemit and I had that eureka moment. I am free, I screamed. I can be whoever I want to be, do whatever I loved to do, be wherever I want to be. The feeling was unbelievable. Since that day, I have been having the time of my life.