HAHAHAHA the poor shaper; hope he learnt his lesson.
I just need to complete one more challenge. I thought I could do it by finally entering the mastermind safehouse....boy was I wrong. She wiped the floor with my body. Such a waste. I even tried to swap some gears to increase my chaos resistance; but at the cost of my speed. Looks like I should of read up on the mechanics; I think I was suppose to do something different?? Who knows. I thought I would just give it a go and hoped I could complete the 12th challenge before bed.
So now I just need to get one more guy up to captain to complete that one challenge or maybe I should just go open 200 boxes in delve. Kind of over The Blood Aqueduct and dam syndicates. lol
I can't believe I completed 4 challenges today; didn't even think it was possible to do even one. Couldn't have done it without you. 😘 Honestly I wasn't going to do it because I didn't think I could and I couldn't be bothered. But since you helped me out; it gave me the drive to complete it; also I didn't want to waste your efforts in helping me.
Hopefully I can get the last one completed tomorrow before I receive my new project. Until then; kooky is off to bed.
OMG....you did overnight what I took days to do. lol I knew you just needed a quick shake from me and you'd get it done, I just didn't think you'd get 4 challenges done THAT FAST! I swear I thought I was being tortured by the Syndicate.
Also, I was the same with the Mastermind. I was banking on that one too. Thought I'd be super careful. Got her to the final stage and she slammed me. You might have been like me and learnt too late that you needed to go in close to her at the end. Running around and letting the minions do stuff and shooting from afar only helped in the other stages. When she goes flouro green flame and you get hit by whatever it is she channels, running away does not help. 2 shots and I was done. But if you run in close, she does not get to do whatever it is that she does from afar it seems. when I realized I had to go close, I was out of portals. I am tempted to have another go at her. My wrist ached from fighting her for so long only to lose.
Anyway, you will like the helm attachment. It feels like a medal stuck to the back of your head. lol
hahahaha oh my goodness; YES! I was keeping my distance from the Mastermind. I did get close a couple of times and she hurt me; so I ran again and ran some more trying to heal up hiding behind things.
Hummmm but I currently have metal stuck around my whole head.
But you know; I would have taken longer if you didn't help me with the vaal orbs. Also; you know you could just put one fragment into the map device to open portals to go to vaal to obtain the skill gems and more fragments to get vaal orbs instead of looking for a portal in an area.
Yeah, the hiding was basically a no-goer at the end. I really want to defeat her, so this weekend, I'll see if I have time to do it. Also, get online in the evening on the weekend if you have time, I'm going to run a few of the Unique maps you ID-ed, so lets do them together for fun now that we've done all the real work. hehehe maybe as well see what they are about. Ratticus might come along. I only have a few things left I care to do, that's getting the ascendancy, beating mastermind, checking out the unique maps and maybe trying to get the pale council. But I doubt I will get it all, if any, done. :-/
Also, don't delay getting the last. I think the date is official Mar 4, but one guy made it sound like they sometimes port you over earlier. Just to be safe, since you only have 1 left, get it done asap.
I just completed it!! Was lucky it didn't take too long. Now I can retire. lol
Edit: Errrr; dumb question; how do I collect the reward? I don't see anything in the shop............
Nevermind; I found it!
Okay, definitely not quite the gorgeous soju, but there's confetti and cake for a job amazingly done!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3
I'm impressed; you didn't let me down at all!! I have yet to get the most out of the atlas re the fragments, it just hasn't been on my list of things to do. But I found picking them up as I did the Blood Aqueduct because they appeared often enough for me, worked fine.
As for getting the vaal orbs, I was glad to do it. It was a quick and easy transaction and I knew the going rate for them from previously wanting to trade for them anyway. Come Synthesis, I will be dropping the Betrayal league and the currency is no use to me. I'll only keep the account for all the uniques I collected. Research for my novel. I'm going to do an art piece based off the rose staff when I have time. :)
And we must get together for another selfie with our Betrayal medal on. Yes, you and your bucket head. -smh- But I'd love a banner with both of us with our Betrayal reward adorned!! Evidence we got to the end and finished something!!!!!! <3