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RE: Path of Exile: Linny the Undying kills Kitava (Act 10)!!

in #pathofexile6 years ago

I bow down to you Master Linny. You are truly hardcore. I don't think I can do what you've just done. That is true dedication right there.

I saw the fire part in the video and that is where I would have died lol. I saw your health go down and was thinking; oh no oh no pot pot pot! lol

@supersoju your turn next!

hahaha I am way behind. I would have to re-learn the whole game again. I'm still working every day/night; so no games for me.

Soju is super proud of you too. She is also ready to learn from the master. She wants to karate chop some zombies.I am so very proud of you @linnyplant!!!


In response to her suggestion in my last post that I should stream some of my gaming. The answer is NO WAY! My play style is spazz, forgetful or confused.

More the reason to live stream it!!! It is about entertainment and interaction with people watching you play.

BTW; your character looks way too cool now; even with those kiddy shoes. She looks like she is ready for a run.


That is the cutest cat pic, you would be the one that didn't bow properly! hehe

Honestly, I'm not someone who enjoys knowing someone is watching me do stuff. I used to suck at tennis because of this. It throws me off my game, but I guess it is like anything, if you just bite the bullet and do it and force yourself to get used to it, you will. I'm just not that interesting and as you'd know I talk enough as it is! But when you find the time, I will have heaps of notes and advice for you. Where I've remembered, I've recorded the fights. It just takes centuries to compile them all. I need them more for my own reference! Missing your devious cat, get off your workaholic backside and post something! I am seriously considering playing Sims you know!

And yeah, I am dedicated to learning the game mechanics. It doesn't seem it, but this is the game I am basing a lot of my novel research on. At some point you'll see more writing from me. ;)

EDIT: I hate those mystery box shoes, kooky cat lady! Like they are!

Now now; face planting is still a bow; an even better bow.

You know you don't give yourself enough credit; you are plenty interesting and all your talking is entertaining. Tell me who would you prefer watching, a person who is super good at the game but talks in a mono tone and doesn't really talk much or interact with the audience; or someone who is good at the game and likes to give things a go because they want to learn whilst talking heaps with lots of energy and doesn't mind being silly or interacting with people.

PLUS! You can build a bigger fan base who would be interested to read your novel. I must say though; I am intrigued to find out what your novel is about considering it is based around game mechanics and PoE. How exciting just thinking about it. Just thinking about diving into the world of zombie bashing and flame dashing whilst watching out for spikes that could poke you in the bum; all in a more imaginative way.

Oh, I forgot to mention and was reminded when I loaded the game just now. I will keep wearing the kiddy shoes in your honour. They look kinda mismatchy cute the more I see her running around in what looks like purple runners!


As always, I can guarantee your support. Lol. Yes, face planting is probably the most committed form of bowing! Thank you for pointing it out.

I don’t think streaming is my thing, but I might do it one day for you and just for the experience. I voice a fair bit, but I mostly like talking to people to hear about them and not the other way.

And what fan base, soju?! I really think people online prefer me to be their cheerleader as opposed to actually being interested in what I’m up to. I think my fan base is filled with people who think I am their fan! 😂

As for my novel, it’s more about what interests the gamer as oppose to PoE content itself. I didn’t focus on loot or spells for example.

I tried to upload a vid of a failed practice run for you. Youtube refused to cooperate! :(

And what fan base, soju?!

Soju; SillySoju, NaughtySoju, SuperSoju, InspectorSoju...etc. list goes on and on.

Then there is Soju's mummy, SillySoju's mummy....etc

lol don't mind me; the silliness is getting to me from being overworked.

You have a fan base even though you don't know it; and that is only one type of fan base. Streaming will get you a different range of fan base.

As for my novel, it’s more about what interests the gamer as oppose to PoE content itself. I didn’t focus on loot or spells for example

I was wondering which way you were going; either the gamer view or in the game view. I assumed it was in the game view when you mentioned the game mechanics.

Another postie coming soon. I did it, soju!