You Are Going Through A Process, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #patience7 years ago


Everything in life is all about the process. One step after the other, one line after the other, and one stage after the other. You can never ignore processes in life. Everything happens for a reason, it is now left for us to accept them, learn the lessons and move on, or simply plateau on that same spot and talk about how systems and things are unfair.

Most of the time, you will notice some things just don’t make sense. You try so hard to understand why some things happen the way they did, and you can’t find an answer to them. Your attitude toward what life throws at you determines how much of life’s learning or lessons you have been absorbing.

Everything as earlier mentioned is a process. You don’t just get to the result without going through a process. If you get the result without the process, you can not sustain the result because you never went through the process.


Imagine climbing stairs, you have to take one step before the other, even when you manage to skip two steps or three at a time. You still have to go through it.

Everything you are going through is a process, a phase that will pass. Don’t rush it. If you don’t enjoy the now, if you don’t try to understand the process, you can never sustain the result, IF you managed to get it. Only those who go through a process, before getting the result, can have a story to tell about how they got there.

Having a baby involves a process, even if you choose to do artificial insemination, it is still a process. Getting married involves a process. Buying things involve a process, as well as owning things. Asking a lady out involves a process. Going to your favourite place for vacation involves a process. Having a job, a career, or owning a business or venture involves a process. Never skip the process if you want to sustain your result. Go through it painstakingly and learn the lessons, so you can achieve things faster later on, and be willing to learning. Even learning involves a process.

Going through a process can be so tough. In fact, it is one of the hardest things in life. We all want to achieve the result so fast without understanding how. I have imagined waking up and checking under my bed to see a sack loaded with money. Hahaha. We all want it easy but the process can NEVER be ignored.


Let me bring it down, and break it down a little. I am sure the day we all joined Steemit, we look forward to when we will have some certain level of Steem Power and grow our rank. When I joined and I was on reputation 25, I saw people at reputation 50 and I was like, “Come on, how are they doing this? When am I going to get through to this stage?.”

To be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Uhm, you are absolutely correct, life is a process, partially everything we do involve series of process, as you have said, one step at a time. Growing up is a process, right from the day we were born, it take time for us to crawl and series of step and practice before we can work, if you look at it close then you will realize that everything in this life is a process even death is a process, you might want to ask how about those that died in car accident ? They actually see it death coming lol,.....

Though, we all wish to get things done as early as possible but it doesn't work like that, we have to understand and take to the process for things to work out well for us. There's this saying, before a gold could actually become gold it has to pass through fire that is the process I'm talking about.

Going through the normal root which is the process might be tough and time consuming but nothing pays more then hardwork if we work for things they say and I agree, we ought unto it much longer then what we don't actually work tirelessly for.

I have imagined waking up and checking under my bed to see a sack loaded with money. Hahaha. We all want it easy but the process can NEVER be ignored

It happens to me too so I believed, we all want easy passage through life and forget the process. We have to realize that nothing good comes without a sacrifice and this sacrifice is the process.

When I joined and I was on reputation 25, I saw people at reputation 50 and I was like, “Come on, how are they doing this? When am I going to get through to this stage?.”

It occurs to me when I first started, not until I realized that there are stages on this platform in which you have to learn from others through the process then things change drastically, though not totally but it is a matter of time, commitment, consistency and determination. Once we remember that this life is a process then we won't run beyond destiny .

Absolutely! Thank you for this. Sacrifice is also a process. We have to go through it painstakingly.

Good to know I am not alone in checking under my bed, expecting a sack of money hahahaha.

I love the points you stated. Every thing is a sacrifice and if we don't go through the Process, we cannot sustain the result. Thank you as always. Very detailed.

To get up, jumping up would be faster than climbing up, but the faster you get to the top if you jump, the faster you come down because you have not supporting base, but if you climb up, it is impossible to come down because you have something supporting and sustaining you.

Process is very important before results in life. No process, no result.

When I joined and I was on reputation 25, I saw people at reputation 50 and I was like, “Come on, how are they doing this?

I'm sure if you ask anybody starting out on steemit, the response would be the same, where I am today was my yesterday dream, thank God it's now my reality.

@donkeypong, @olawalium, @papaoepper started out like anyone of us, they don't jump the process, they passed through the process like we are doing now, that makes them what they are. Where they are now is my dream, but to be there, I need to do what they did, they all follow the process without leaving a stone unturned... Smile

Thanks @olawalium and @communitycoin

I love that. Jumping up is easier and faster but anyone who jumps will surely come back down. Why? No base. No process. No support. No experience to leverage on or fall back on. Life is all about processes. None should be skipped.

You don't jump from crawling to running, you have to walk first. You don't skip having a better life and jump to marriage too. It can never be sustained.

Thank you as always for your kind words and analysis. Much appreciated.

Indeed, everything that happens in life is all about process.

Nothing good comes easy they say

You'll have to go through the process.

You just don't become successful overnight

Even the people who you think became successful overnight, worked through it....

They probably worked behind bars, in the dark but their success story is made known to all and then you think it just happened

Some persons even call it luck, but it's not.

It's all about process
They went through the process and became whatever they are now.

Go through the process. Don't skip a step. You'll smile in the end. It may not be easy now, but it'll be worth it.

I love this as well. All those whom we have come to admire, thinking they got there easily or by flight, they didn't. They understood process and they never gave up. While others sleep, they toiled all night and that will always make the difference. You think Dangote sleeps all through the night? No. Process is vital. We need to bear it now so we can enjoy it later.

Thank you so much dear. This is much appreciated.

You are absolutely correct sister, I enjoyed reading your comments it gives me more insight what the content above

Yes, I will definitely agree with that. Life and learning is a process and there really are no shortcuts. It takes time. patience and hard work to earn our share of rewards (worldly and spiritual) from this world.
I think the best strategy is to learn to enjoy this journey. When a road has to be traveled,might as well do it in a way that keeps the fire within burning and the heart happy :-)

Absolutely. No short cut. If you deserve some accolades, you must have paid your dues.

I think the best strategy is to learn to enjoy this journey

I love that. Yes, we need to enjoy the journey. If we know the "what" we will understand the "how".

Thanks a lot for this. Much appreciated.

The short cut is still hark work 😂
You still go through the process in the end 😂

Hahahahaha back to square one!.

You are right sir, this life is a process. You don't just become an adult the day you were born.
When a baby is born, it takes some time before he starts to sit, before he starts crawling then, he starts standing before he finally starts to walk. All is process.

Even when God created the heaven and the earth, it was a process from day 1 through day 6 before He rested on day 7.

Perfecto!. You nailed this too sir. We can't jump from being a baby to an adult. There are stages involved. There are some stages that should not be skipped, if we are to achieve our desires sustainable result.

Thank you so much bro. I really appreciate this.

Yes process can't be ignored,even before we eat which I think is the most very simple things in life,the spoon you take all the way from the food and into the mouth 👄 is a process
One of examples of the process is education; from kindergarten to primary school and there to high school 🏫 and from high school to college, even at work.

In short, everything in life takes procession

Yes brother. Nice illustrations. Everything involves a process and the more we are open to enjoy that process, the more bearable it is for us to handle. The more we understand that everything has a process, the more bearable it is for us to go through it.

Thanks a lot for this.

One step at a time is key! If we try to be faster than our time, we end up coming down.

One step at a time!

Patience is virtue they say. You see life is in stages I totally agree with you. So many people do some horrible and unspeakable things all in the name of cutting short life processes. There’s no short cut up the palm tree 🌴. The processes must be duely observed . Wish thoughts there my friend @olawalium

Hahaha i like this. The palm tree analogy. Exactly, there is no short cut to climbing a palm tree, even if you have supporting trees beside it, you still have to climb it.

Processes can never be ignored. Thanks a lot brotherly.

Life is in process just as success also takes stages to achieve. The process we pass through in life is a resultant of our present state in life . Well composed and well written post @Olawalium


The process we pass through in life is a resultant of our present state in life.

The process we went through got us to this point and the more the processes and the pains that comes with it, the better it is for us.

Thank you for this and for your kind words. Duly appreciated.

Yeah every step taken will determine your your destination, I agree with you my friend

I was checking my feed it is a process, I click your post it is a process, I was reading your post it is a process, and now commenting it is a process. This is my example of the processes.

Very funny

I was going through comments
It is also a process 😂 😂

Hahahahahaha me laughing is a Process, because you said something funny and I responded to it, that's process. Thank you for making me laugh. Well done.

You have truly make an example, good illustration and excellent contribution.

Thank you to all

Awesome illustration
You won the title of best illustrator

Blessing be unto the prolific writer of this article. I was going through tough times lately, and coming across this article gives me hope. Thank you very much. This is just what I needed.

I am absolutely happy to hear this. Knowing this blessed you is my joy. This is good. It is just a phase, it will pass. Hold on tight, it won't always rain, there will be sunshine.

Thank you.

We have to do anything step by step. As a steemian, my reputation 47 got in a process. We need to be patient to be the success.

When I joined, I was at rep 25
I didn't like it
But I had to go through the process
Now, I'm here
It's been process all along.
It didn't just happen

Yes, we need to pay the price. It is only the steps we take, that can be ordered and assisted. Thanks dear.

Work is the key to success. No person in the world could achieve anything without effort.

Absolutely. Working itself involves process. We need to work to achieve things and that will determine how far we can go. Thank you.

We have to work step by step and we have to be patient
Ways to succeed need time and a great patience

Success isn't overnight....

It is a step by step process

Yeah I totally agree with you. One step at a time

Absolutely. The waiting time also involves process and if we don't wait or we ignore the process, the result cannot be sustained.

wow, great post enjoyed the read. :)

You could do better than this my friend. Read the post , make a point and not some one liner . This won’t get you anywhere

God bless you.

You sure??

He is trying to ignore the process.

yes i'm sure 😉