The Virtue of Patience

in #patience7 years ago

Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the lord draweth nigh. James 5:8


The lord JESUS is coming very soon. Even if we don't know the actual time but fortunately the bible has told us that the coming of the lord draws near.

Let your heart be established by the works you are doing, that works which when the LORD comes to see you do, will be glad and take you along with him to Heaven.
Also be patient for the promises of GOD, they will come to pass, just be available for GOD, that is, being where GOD wants you to be and doing exactly what GOD says you should do.

Establish your hearts by making the Holy Bible the manual which you are going to read and live on.
JESUS CHRIST our LORD is coming very soon. Be ready!

If you have not yet surrendered to CHRIST JESUS, please do it now. If the LORD JESUS comes today and you know you will not make heaven, say this prayer:
FATHER I thank you for your WORD. JESUS CHRIST I believe you died for me. I believe you rose again on the third day from death. I confess you JESUS as LORD. I accept you JESUS as my personal LORD and SAVIOUR. Please come into my life today. Blessed HOLY SPIRIT please help me maintain my salvation in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST I pray, AMEN.

Congratulations. Remember repentance begins from the heart, so please say it from your heart.


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