You risk something great to what you care about. You see, people like me are entering into politics. My primary mission is to disrupt the status-quo, and good luck getting me to step down should you decide to throw an allegation towards me, because I'm no politician. I'll be the PM of Canada and regularly flipping people off. I'll tell the speaker of the house to go fuck himself if it suits me, it wont matter because real people will support me as their leader.
I love how right now NDP leader used the word "bullshit" and people want him to step down. Sorry but I want a measurement of efficacy in office, not political capitulation.
You should think about that, what you risk pushing people out like Brown. Eventually all that you're left with is radically progressive technologically proficient and articulate debaters. Entire parties will be destroyed by people like me, people who never wanted to go into office but feel compelled through a real sense of duty to progress the country forward.
I don't agree with Trump always, but I love that he says whatever he wants. Last thing America needs is a politician as president.