How does this make you feel?

in #patriotism8 years ago (edited)

So yesterday, this woman named Emily Lance, a self proclaimed anarchist, peed on an American flag on video and posted it to Facebook.


Now she's facing threats of murder, you can imagine people were triggered.

I'm interested in hearing how this makes you feel?

Here's a link to her Facebook post

Leave your thoughts in the comments .


Disrespect is always uncalled for. You may disagree with or even despise many factors about a country and how it is being run or being lived in..but if one wants to be taken seriously, one should always make one's arguments and points in a balanced and respectful manner.

Threats of murder and rape are also uncalled for though..some people are so easily provoked sometimes.

Anw, she probably had some regrets while cleaning up the mess of a pee-drenched flag..

It seems like nothing more than an attention seeking stunt. If she truly wanted to make a statement there are myriad of other ways to do it that show far more intelligence than this. This is simply a child being disrespectful and showing her intellectual age in a world driven by sensationalism and shock value rather than any sort of true discourse. It's sad really that society has been reduced to this.