They are also happy for this :
this woman is free after judge in the USA , and they let her go after all she did , you know why ? because Iraq people are equal to shit in American people's eyes !
I am not from Iraq , I am Iranian , but I Believe in Humanity , not Euorp humanity or American humanity , we are all equal ! , we are all came from 1 , Human is Human , we are not wild animals ! , they show us like beasts in their TVs
and still they say : we have to bomb Middle east countries !
also I have to tell you about this : because I said about Europ , well they killed this Iranian Guy "Bijan" in England , He did nothing , he was studying and living in there , some people around his home came and wanted to kill him , then he go and ask police officers to help him but they say Bijan is crazy he made that dreamy story , then after all he tried , they send him out and later they find him dead , because they killed him , you can read and see videos about him here :
now tell me , middle east is ugly or Europe and West ? , I don't want to blame it on all the people , I even have friends in England and some Europe countries and even I had some friends in the USA
but this is not fair !
I hate of politicians , those who work on people's brain !