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RE: Patriotism, an Abomination

in #patriotism7 years ago

"Any country that has the amount of talent, resources and power that the U.S. has accumulated would commit no less the atrocities than the U.S. has in it's history."

Is that an excuse for past and current transgressions? Corporatism and fascism and elitism are "okay" because why? I believe I missed that in your reply.

You don't give a damn because it isn't your nation being bombed or your loved ones being murdered.


The reason you missed that "Corporatism and fascism and elitism are "okay" in my reply is because that is not what I was saying at all. It is the ideals that were set forth at the birth of the US that I celebrate, not the actions of organizations that clearly place no value on said ideals, but hide behind them to further there own twisted agenda. I was merely pointing out that when given a choice between enjoying a celebration of ideals with my family, or strutting around like an indignant peacock blathering about moral superiority when it isn't going to change anything, I'll choose the former. Just because my government doesn't hold true to those values doesn't mean I can't try to live them in my daily life. America is a melting pot of people and ideas, so to assume you know why someone is celebrating the flag without first asking them is a bit ignorant and presumptuous.

Also, if you do not want me to tell you what you give a damn about, then do not presume to tell me what I give a damn about. You guys say you are so anti-authoritarian, but your true colors show when someone doesn't agree with you. You are very authoritarian in the world of philosophical ideas. I believe there is a word for that.

Right, just ignore all the bad things the government is doing. That makes everything OK.

Ignore??? How am I ignoring them when I just pointed them out in my previous comment? Talking to you is like talking to a wall....unproductive. Now if you'll excuse me I've got some meat to go burn before the fireworks start.