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RE: Murican ’Cepshunulizm

in #patriotism9 years ago

1 - Pretty much the whole world is plagued by the superstition of "authority." There are pockets of people trying to live without interference by ruling classes (including in places in the U.S.), with varying degrees of success.
2 - If someone pointed out that something was wrong with your house (termites, water damage, structural flaws), would your response be to point out that your neighbor's house is even in worse condition? Why play the comparison game at all, unless you're trying NOT to address what is wrong here?


Would you try to get RID of the termites, or would you try to find some termites who would "serve" you?

In case you couldn't guess this, the HOUSE is not the problem. The PARASITES are. Likewise, neither the place nor the people existing on the piece of dirt called "the United States" is what I am against. I am against the swarm of parasites stealing the efforts of decent, productive human beings. And that's what "government" always is.

I would try to fix my house! I wouldn't become an anti-houseist.

Spot on, Larken, as always. This goes with my post today I just put up. :)

The house is your home. The government is the termites.