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RE: The US Flag is NOT a Symbol of Freedom

in #patriotism7 years ago

No two humans have the same blood.

Living in the same land? So how do you explain the existence of many "nations" on a single continent?

Those borders that define your nation were not put there peacefully. They were put there through criminals claiming the right to tax anyone who lives within "their" territory - territory they do not rightfully own.

My house and my property is legitimately mine. I traded money for title peacefully with the rightful seller. I therefore have the right to defend that property and any house that I put on it. My right to control the movement of others ends at my property line.


For example are mexican same as Unitestaters?
are French same as German?

there is some cultural, custom and common historical things several people have in common and some don´t, more beyond than etnics or race.
