Glad that the draft didn't stay longer than a day @pehteem. I know that you've created this post 2 days ago before the second bloggers got picked by c-square, but you drained your RC right before you posted this 😂😂😂 I heard you kicking my sofa and left the shop without touching your coffee😂😂
But I supported both of your bloggers anyway.. try to check on others post too. And don't that you need to use the mosque's wifi to make your comments here 😜
Thank you so much for your support @cicisaja 😏 I still thinking about how to post something good next time, I read through some amazing featured bloggers this week . They are quite cool..while I try to read from other tags ini our country, couldn't found the exceptional one.
Where did you go last night with Mbah walas and others? And what's the party you had yesterday at the shop? Who's birthday?
Naahh.. don't over think about other posts, just take the inspiration and technique they used to create a post, you'd better find a topic that you love the most T, that's how you can show others that you're capable on that topic or object. Do you remember an artist who posted his beautiful pencil art works? He really shows us that he's so good at it. What about us? Who can't do art works, have no garden and we aren't a good photographer as well?
I knew that you have a hobby and really understand why you have that hobby and keep doing that till today, right? You can try to create some posts about it. Off course you need to get along with others too.. through contests or comments and You can forget about your tiny upvote value until you gain more power. Do the exploration as far as you can go.
About last night? We went to visit kidemang tjipno at the hospital, he's been there since thursday.
Haahh🙄 what gas happened to mr tjip? Is he all right? Where id he, Sari Asih kah? Woii.. dapat door prize Yee.. apaan hadiahnya? Keren handphone-nya..buat gw aja deh😂 buseet dah dapat 2 kali.. kasih gw satu Napa? Kan Mayan diduitin bisa noban itu, beli Rujak 10 piring😂
Boleh juga itu bocah yaa, bisa bikin door prizes segala. Sayangnya yg datang gak rame, mungkin karena ikan atau gegara undangan telat nganter 😂 mudah2an aja pada belajar 🤣
Ki demang sakit liver, gak merhatiin apa wajahnya pucat banget pas hari terakhir maen ke warung tgl 24 oktober lalu? Itu hbnya udah di bawah 7, pas hari kamis hb-nya 2,9 makanya kudu rawat inap dan minum darah.. eeh maksudnya tranfusi. Itu juga kalau istrinya gak keceplosan ngomong ke sodaranya, nggak bakal ada yang tahu beliaunya ada di mana.
Ehh iya, dapat 2 kali tapi satu aja dah.. yg lain kan pengen juga 😂 itu ada di warung, palingan ntar dikasih buat mas adil .. kakak ipar yg nggak punya hp. Meskipun nggak bisa buat mesan gojek dan harus dikasih memory card dulu. Wuiihh.. mayan dah buat sekedar ditelponin anak kan?
Laahh lu tadi di mana? Kok nggak kelihatan? Ngumpet di balik gerobak siomay yee 😂😂😂
Kagak ci, gw datang telat karena masih ada kerjaan, besok gw juga musti berangkat lagi. Mudah2an bisa tetap posting ntar Selasa dah. Btw, ada menu baru apa di warung Lo?
Iyaa ada menu baru tuh, sanger mint alias kopasusmint, timun kerock dan lagi nyiapin afogato coffee juga. Selamat bertugas yaa. Ntar kalau ada yang baru lu boleh testing dah.. gretong 20 ml aja 😂