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RE: Week 21 - Pay It Forward Curation Challenge

in #payitforward7 years ago

Oh I am glad you made the rounds but sorry your vp is taking a hit. Mine is always at the verge these days. The pay it forward can use it up pretty fast.
It is a good use for it though. Maybe we will grow our sp and one day be able to vote as much as we want.


Yap, just one seating for pay it forward can exhaust VP but to your point, it is for a good cause. Let's get to that level wherein we can vote to our liking! 😃

Have a great week ahead! 😊

Wishing you a great week as well! 😸 Rest up the vp it is almost time to start all over again. Hopefully this time we will have even more entries. 😊

Yap, pay it forward just started for this week... 😊