Thank you @thedarkhorse so much for sharing our news and to everyone who has commented here on it. Brian to me is simply a miracle! It has been two weeks today since his stroke and he is managing and improving remarkably well. In fact we were out for lunch today and yesterday, where he walked on his own with a little assistance from me. He continues to have difficulty with his speech, but his brain is working fine, It's just sometimes his mouth does not cooperate. For someone with the gift of gab that's been difficult for him 😊
Thank you again for everyone's thoughts and prayers, they all are very helpful! And thank you @wolfhart for filling in for me as well; I'm thinking I'll need a few more weeks away but we are taking all of this one day at a time. I hope you are doing well too @wolfhart!
Happy Easter everyone 😊❤️
He talks to much anyway. People need a break.
The 3rd is my CT and I am ignoring everything until then.
I am so glad he is up walking. That’s so important. And don’t feel bad if your hand/arm is pushed away.
BIG Hugs 🤗