
Definitely. I have read many posts from you and your husband, and i am amazed at the way you are both handling the situation. It takes very strong people to really overcome and go through what you two are going through. I didn't want to touch so much this topic because i know it is already hard for you, but just wanted to express my support for what you two are going through.

Please don't ever feel like you can't "touch" the subject. I opened up the topic by talking about it on steemit, so you have every right to :) And actually, it has helped me a lot by having so many to talk to !

Thank you for your kind words too; I appreciate them very much ;)

Thank you for understanding. It is always fragile when we talk about our closest ones. We can never feel the pain or be empathic enough. We can just try to soften things up with words. I wish we never have to face such difficulties in our lifes but when we do, we must give 110% to overcome the struggle. I recetly had a similar situation in my relatives, but even so, i can never feel entirely. I can just wish you two will go on being as strong as you are now. No one has ever gained something from giving up.

That's the truth! There is no sense in giving up whatsoever; we just need to continue and enjoy what every day has to offer ;)

Exactly! That's the spirit. Keep it up!