You are one of the best bloggers here. You are precise and articulate and funny. You support your work with all you have, from wider research to incredible photos full stop every single post you write is just a pleasure to read and I absolutely love you being here. You would be such a worthy recipient recipient of this delegation.
Well I would really love to see a video of you, it's very funny that it just ended up on with you scratching your nose.
I think the first time I met you I was amazed at your incredible kitchen. I haven't stopped being amazed at you and I am so glad I have got to know you here as well, and found that we have so many things in common. Love you lots.
Posted using Partiko Android
you are TOO kind but I do appreciate how supportive you've always been. I love discovering all of these parallels we've got going on. It makes me feel so connected and I treasure you so much.
I just can't seem to make videos work. I am not sure if you know this but I don't use a cell phone anymore and I run on open source software and I have a horrible internet connection. It's a challenge and I hope to figure it out at some point.
I love you friend xx