Round one is over, thanks @Dragosroua!
The baton goes to @coldmonkey, should s/he choose to take it :)
Image source: http://roflzoo.com/
Day | Post | Author | Winner |
Root 1 | Pay It Forward - Let The Games Of Blogchain Begin! | @dragosroua | @ervin-lemark |
2 | What Is Your Favourite David Bowie Song? Pay It Forward, Round One, Day Two | @ervin-lemark | @nik9 |
3 | Do Real Men Have Feelings Too? Pay It Forward, Round One, Day Three | @nik9 | @trevor.george |
4 | Do you always have control? Pay it forward, round one day four | @trevor.george | @skymaiden |
5 | DIY Sterilising solution for mouth guards, baby bottles, menstrual cups, dentures, sex toys and more! Pay it forward, round one, day five | @skymaiden | none |
6 | Monkeying around; Pay it forward, round one day seven | @skymaiden | none |
7 | NEED COMMENTS Round 1 Day 8 Pay It forward | @skymaiden | TBA |
Thanks for participating in this game :)
Ok, I understand that you need votes in order to keep the streak going on. But I find no reason to do it, other than genuinely congratulate you for wanting to keep this going on. :) Maybe asking a question would help?
Why do kitty pictures always get votes?
ColdMonkey mines [Gridcoin](http://Gridcoin.us) through generating BOINC computations for science.
No votes necessary, just a comment so I can pass on the baton. Now, at least I have one :)