I going to edit the post to reflect this in case you win so I don't forget, plus who knows maybe it will spur others to do the same.
Now make sure those you featured know about the extra bonus for 1st time entries for people who were featured.
It's a great little bonus to get featured bloggers to join the contest.
:) I left them a note lol I usually hide so i felt a bit strange telling them on their page that I nominated them lol but i went and did it ;)
I plan to offer a "hat trick" prize for next week, week 5, for the nominating blogger if s/he encouraged and helped all three of his / her nominees to enter to the Pay It Forward contest:
That one sounds really complicated to achieve and explain. Think KISS rule with the rewards. Think it's better to stack on the main rewards or give to all new entries, something that keeps it simple and is easy to explain and understand. Don't forget there are a lot of ESL or even non english speaking people who are using google translate to read the post and rules. More complicated we make things the less likely they are to participate. It's easier to skip over then to try and figure out.
I am soo confused and I do not want reward ..lol all I wanted was to show people some good peeps ... so if i win anything give it to the pees i mentioned ...hides under rock ..LOL