Paypal sucks

in #paypal6 years ago (edited)

Not to be left out, Paypal has jumped on the bandwagon of disabling accounts for people with unpopular opinions. It is a real shame to see the largest tech companies work in concert this way. It wasn't that long ago that people used things like Twitter and Facebook and Paypal to support the message of the Arab Spring, a massively unpopular movement in the lands in which it happened. It seems those days are past, and if we wish to engage in free speech and finance without censorship, we must choose different tools than the ones we chose in the past.


Paypal was fun when it was part of eBay. It was a payment platform built around people sharing goods and services.

Since breaking off of eBay it is become just another big bank focused on Wall Street. It is a shame to see all of the successful sites of the internet taking a regressive turn.