I love the idea. You mentioned tha it could just be manhunt for patents that have anything to do with crypto. This kind of reminds me dot com bubble. Yes, there was a crash, but look at these companies today. We just might have to wait how this all plays out and slowly accumulate crypto we like and we believe in. There are many companies filing for patents having anything to do with crypto for example eBay, the parent company of PayPal, filed patent application for “Gift Token”. Bank of America has filed for the most Bitcoin patents, for a total of 45 patents since 2008. Another once’s such as Coinplug (39), Alibaba (36), IBM (34) and Mastercard (21). Interestingly, many Chinese companies filing for crypto patents can be found in the top 10 list, and it turns out that even more Chinese companies are present in the top 50 and top 100 lists. Just like I said, get ready for dot com bubble.
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