Keyvan Davani - The Total Connector - sent this e-mail-message with the google-doc-link to his original brainstorming / draft / outline of his white paper "PEACE- Blockchain-based Crypto-Initial Coin Offering (ICO)-Proposal for all Keshe Foundations, Earth Council, KF Manufacturings, and all Knowledge Seekers around the Planet" (see comment-section) to the key-decision-makers of the Keshe Foundation/Spaceship Institute, KF Manufacturing, R&D, and initially to a limited number of trusted core-knowledge seekers, teachers, engineers, scientists, doctors, researchers around planet Earth on January 6th, 2018 - with no (official) feedback from the responsible decision-makers (KF, Earth Council) up to now.
All human beings with the intention and ethos of true equality, transparency, and Peace for total humanity and beyond - combined with expertise, (creative) intelligence, understanding, and real comprehension of Gandhi´s words "...Let us work together. For Unity and Peace" are invited and welcome to work together with all. As Mr. Keshe says: "There is no time for revolutions. It is time for evolution....It is time to serve and not to be served".
Keyvan Davani - The Total Connector.
"Dear honorable members of the Earth-Council and Universal Council,
I am herewith submitting my drafted outline of the PEACE-white paper as
a proposal to Mr. Keshe, all KF-structures around the planet,
Earth-Council, the Universal Council, and a small group of other closest
knowledge seekers around the KF.
I would ask you kindly to reply within 72 hours, whether the
Earth-Council-members (and all other decision-makers within the
KF-structures) principally (!) wish to support my proposal, together
with the collective community and humanity.
The following multiple-choice-answers are possible: yes, no, maybe, we
are afraid, totally different strategy and process, or silence.
With intentions of ethos of decentralization, equality, transparency,
and Peace.
Keyvan Davani.
The Total Connector."