A few years ago I returned to martial arts, something I hadn't done in years.

It's been good for me in many ways, and I think some of the benefits would surprise someone who's never practiced martial arts themselves.
Many people associate martial arts with violence. After all, the movements are designed to hurt or at least stop a human body. And yet, the effect of practicing martial arts does not seem to make people more violent. If anything, it has the reverse effect: it makes you more peaceful.
Maybe this isn't universal. There are definitely people who base their pride on winning fights. But the arc of martial arts training is that it gives you a sense of confidence in your own abilities. It changes the way you move and, ultimately, even the way you think about yourself. This is why it truly is an art form: it's transformative.

Most students don't start with this in mind. They come to the mat because they want to be able to fend off a mugger, or they want to lose weight.
There's nothing wrong with these goals, but they're very focused on what's “wrong” with you. Over time, you start to realize there's nothing wrong with you at all. You see yourself overcome challenges every single time you spar or learn a new technique.
The spiritual side of that kind of sneaks up on you.
This is where inner peace comes from: confidence. When you're comfortable with your abilities and your body, you don't feel threatened. Your ego doesn't need to crush others.

From this inner peace comes peaceful action. You know you could raise your hand in anger, but from a place of strength, it's easy to choose not to.
Most of us face doubt and uncertainty every day. How much easier would life be if we could respond from a place of strength?
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