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RE: Honor the Troops? Maybe We Should Hold Them Accountable Instead.

in #peace8 years ago

I am unsure how to quote like you did.
But on your point of clarifying.
James Madison one of the 52 men who framed the constitution.
Wrote in the Federalist papers that "Security against foreign danger is one of the primitive objects of civil society. It is an avowed and essential object of the American Union."
While it is only the words of one of the creators. It is surprising because Hamilton and Madison had the same points being argued 300 years ago that you and I are having. Military can be corrupted but they are human beings and a necessary strength. In thirty years Russia or another threat we don't even know about could encroach. We do not know what we don't know.


The Federalists vs. Anti-Federalist discussions are really interesting. From a certain perspective, the United States was so successful because it was a minarchy with the minimum amount of centralized power possible. Then some rich white people came along, did a secret congressional congress meeting, and (from the little I understand) gave more central power to the federal government than the original states anticipated. From my perspective, "security against foreign danger" is an out-dated concept in today's connected world. It's certainly not (again, from my perspective) improved by intervening with military force in any and every country around the world. Blowback is the result, and it's not pretty.

I agree we do not need to be the world's police. Only intervene when nations have legitimately threatened the nation. Case in point, I doubt North Korea's saber rattling has any substance. They can not even launch a missile off their coastline.

I agree and even tho war is not part of my value system, I have to say I support veterans for the most part. I also think the world has to change and violations of veterans in action need to come to an end, just as in all of society. I wonder at their reflections of the whole.