You can read about it in this postthis postThis week the community was warned about Ben Schwartz (@fatpandadesign / @getslothyy), an online scammer who has stolen thousands of dollars. by @neoxian, as well as in by @therealwolf.
Tonight we want to spend some time talking about online scammers and how to recognize and avoid them.
How to spot an online scammer:
- targets people with large wallets
- targets Empaths and/or vulnerable, sensitive types of people
- may work to gain trust and make connections by giving small gifts or completing small transactions with you
- attempts to gain sympathy with stories of hardships - hospital bills, stolen assets, family emergencies, etc.
- may attempt to lure you into another network or means of communication like personal email or text
- will often exhibit erratic or dramatic behavior and frantic typing patterns
- resorts to using emotional manipulation based on their hardships if they are having a hard time getting your money - trying to make you feel guilty or like a bad person for not helping them
- look out for holes in their stories or contradictions
Please Join Us For Episode 30 of The Peace Academy Tonight 10-11 PM EST/ 2-3 AM UTC!
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Would definitely join the discussion, people use social hack to rip people of their hard earn money, this must stop. People must learn how to spot hackers and recognize phishing
I agree it is high time we discuss the increasing raise of scam activities on the STEEM BLOCKCHAIN, if we don't seek out a way to flush these fake/scam accounts off the system, investors and contributors make soon get scared of this awesome platform #steemit
I will try and make it to the radio show
thanks for ur information
because business never lies, strong
Visit my blog
I saw those posts... he goes after kind-hearted people and uses every trick in the book. Truly shameless!
thanks for this information sir..
This post is truly an eye opener and I hope to join the discussion. I once saw an airdrop that requires the individual to send 0.001 ethereum to an address to receive the so called useless airdrop. Even though the ethereum was meagre but assuming 1000 participants pay 0.001 ethereum that's equal to 1 ethereum. Which of course I know there will be more than 1000 participants. They employ different tactics. It seems like they spend every minute thinking of new ways to scam. People need to be careful of all this tactics being used by online scammers.
Life goes on... Whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown. or stay behind locked in the past thinking of what could've been!!
Tnx u
If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips.
This is an awesome deed you are doing educating people on how to beware of scammers. this can even apply outside of the blockchain
The number of cheaters who exploit the emotions of others has increased in order to steal your money