in #peakdlast year

In a bold move to combat climate change, the Planetary Awning Foundation has convened to explore and advocate for a space-based megastructure – a planetary canopy. Long-debated, this concept is gaining traction as a potential game-changer in the fight against global warming.


The foundation posits that a planetary canopy could offer a potent solution for solar radiation management, positioning it as a crucial element in global efforts to counter ongoing climate change. As the world grapples with the imperative to prevent the average temperature from surpassing 1.5 degrees Celsius above current averages, the foundation asserts that a planetary canopy could be instrumental in achieving this goal.

Morgan Goodwin, the Executive Director of the Planetary Awning Foundation, emphasizes that while recent decarbonization efforts are essential, they alone are insufficient for a sustainable planet. He underscores the need for rapid decarbonization, removal of gigatons of carbon from the air, and mitigation of incoming solar radiation.

The proposed megastructure, positioned at the Sun-Earth Lagrange-1 point, would act as a reflective shield, redirecting sunlight back into space and reducing radiative forcing – the trapping of energy in the atmosphere due to greenhouse gas emissions. The foundation contends that advancements in space launch systems and solar sail technology make the construction of a Planetary Awning feasible.

There are two potential construction strategies under consideration – an Earth-launched design for initial phases, followed by space resource utilization and in-space construction for subsequent stages. Despite concerns about meddling with Earth's natural processes, the foundation argues that humanity is already significantly impacting the planet through industrial practices.

In a time where climate change poses an existential threat, the Planetary Awning Foundation is championing the exploration of innovative, large-scale solutions. As discussions around geoengineering gain momentum, the foundation's push for further investment in research marks a crucial step towards devising strategies that could reshape the trajectory of our relationship with the planet.