How Psychiatry, Planned Parenthood, and The Organ and Body Parts Industry Benefits from Swamp Policy-making

in #pedogate7 years ago (edited)

As we watch the destruction of families and the destruction of natural rights, Satanists and other evil individuals are getting rich off of the fall-out. While most people are probably not going to even so much as see this article, they will probably see a fluff version of it eventually. As we've seen, if you make enough noise you'll eventually be copied, with a candy-coated pop version of what you are saying.

Every day when I get on Twitter I notice that the hard work of people like George Webb and his Crowdsource the Truth community is being duplicated and copied by major news sources. For some this is vindication. For others it's perhaps more offensive.

For years I was a vocal activist against psychiatry. I had only one experience on Zoloft and that was enough for me. I became good friends with people who had lost children to Effexor or other drugs.

Death may be a part of life, but for the "Swamp" the death of others is often a welcome gift to extend theirs.

People now-a-days (is this a real word?) expect that medicine will keep them alive until it is no longer capable of doing so. What we are learning is that medical tourism for "elites" is the norm. But whose body parts are they using?

The answers are shocking. They've been doing this for a long time. Not only are fetal parts, foreskins from newborns, placentas, and cord blood used, but apparently the Clinton Foundation is harvesting organs from victims of child trafficking as well. This explains the ultimate motive of the sex trafficking industry.

Yeah, there are perverts out there who want to rape kids. But once they're done with them, those children will be disposed of, at a young age, or perhaps allowed to grow a little older.

The Planned Parenthood exposés conducted by James O'Keefe, Andrew Breitbart, Live Action, Life Dynamics, and others were swept under the rug.

What you are witnessing now is the attempted coup by the elite, hoping to distract people a little longer by a fake Russian narrative and false claims that Trump is a pedophile.

When you have obvious pedophiles being "cleared" by the FBI, we have a huge problem.

America, and the world await the long arm of justice to rid our society of evil doers.

For those stupid enough to continue the facade, keep taking your pills which will kill your innocent children. Keep offering up your unborn to the harvesters and sellers of your children's body. Keep donating your blood so people like Marina Abramovic can bathe baby effigies in it. Keep turning a blind eye to the sick "Pizza" culture of the elites.

What once was considered "elite" will soon be considered a vicious representation of the worst of humanity's memory.