Pedophilia is the new normal

in #pedogate7 years ago

Yesterday, I wrote a post about the pros and cons of sexual education, focusing on the embarrassing part, on the TMIs and about the things sex ed should really cover.
As it was getting quite late and the post was becoming a bit too long, I decided to leave out the “second part” and cover it in another post, to give it the attention it deserves. I'm talking about the worrying side of sexual education.
Image of Desmond Napoles

What made me write my last post was a horrifying little article, entitled 'Why You Should Buy Your Sons and Daughters Sex Toys'.
The article isn't available anymore, for some reason, but here's a screenshot

Now, as I said, I'm sure I don't need to explain why I find this title to be very, very wrong. Children should have nothing to do with sex toys. The article suggested that you, as a parent, should accompany your young child (as young as 11) to your nearest sex shop and help them pick out a vibrator (or any sex toy you see fit). It argued that this would let the child know you support them in their sexual exploration and it would give them a better sense of their own bodies.

And the only thing I could think about while reading was: sounds like a pedophile paradise!
Think about it. At this point, it's illegal for sex shops to sell anything to anyone under 18. In fact, if you do a quick search on sex toys, you'll see that most websites selling these products specifyAdult Sex Toys.

That's the norm. But if parents were to listen to articles such as this one and join in this madness, that could change. If this children-pleasure movement garnered enough strength, I bet the laws for selling sex toys could be modified to a lower age. Probably not 11, but not 18, either. And this (obviously) would facilitate pedophilia. Because to associate children with sexual pleasure is not only wrong and sick, but it is considered wrong and sick by the society we live in.
But, if you alter that collective image and convince society that children using sex toys and seeking out sexual pleasure is normal, then the view on pedophilia might change also. After all, if we recognize children as comprehending sex and pleasure, then that would award them a sense of responsibility, in our eyes. If you're old enough to choose a vibrator, you're probably old enough to choose the real thing also.

But let's say this article is an isolated incident (which I doubt – every fad has to start somewhere, doesn't it – but still). There are many other worrying signs, in our society today, of attempts to normalize pedophilia.

Desmond is Amazing!

The other day, I came across this disturbing video on Facebook (posted by a page with over 3 million likes).
Please take the time to watch it, because it says far more than I could tell you here.

The Prince of Preteen Drag? What?! Since when is that a title? I mean, I've got nothing against drag, but we're talking about a 10 year old kid. Preteen drag shouldn't even be a thing. Many kids like dressing up in their parents' clothes and playing around, but you know, at home, not in front of millions of people.
The video states that young Desmond became popular three years ago, in 2015, when a video of him at a Gay Pride parade went viral. Okay, a lot of things go viral. And many of them just die down after a few weeks. What I don't understand is why his parents didn't put a stop to it. Really? Do you really want you seven year old child do be the star of the sick Internet? Don't these people know that there are countless pedophiles out there, probably really glad to see their kid with makeup and wearing girl's clothes?
There is no sense of protection in these parents. You are endangering your child, don't you get that?

What I find really sad is that, in the video, Desmond talks about his haters and about how people hate him and his mom. I'm sure there are some who've criticized him for wearing drag and all that, but that's such a small thing to hate over. Most of the critics I've seen online have to do with the fact that he is a ten year old child, acting like an adult.
Nobody hates you, kid.
It's very sad to think that those around him encourage him to believe that people hate him because he likes to wear girls' clothes. It's not about that, little boy, it's so much more complex than that. Many of your critics probably want what's good for you.
Oh, people hate me because I let my son wear women's clothes and makeup.
No, people hate you because you're promoting a wrong image. Because you allow your child to be treated like an adult by the media and because you're promoting the sexualization of children.

But I've written, in the past, about parents of child models endangering their children for their own purposes. Today, I want to focus on the society that's going mad over this little boy.
Did no one hear me saying 'pedophiles paradise'? Do I really need to repeat myself?
I'm a big supporter of encouraging your child to do whatever makes him happy, but this is absurd. The whole Internet is promoting this story like it's a big, inspirational tale of success. The net is full of pictures of this boy (and other young children, like him) scantily clad and wearing makeup.
Not too long ago, this was referred to as kiddie-porn.

Again, as with the sex toys story, the media is attributing too many adult qualities to a young boy. They are focusing a great deal on his looks and his sexuality and it's not okay.
It's normal for ten year olds to be wondering about their sexuality and to be exploring their bodies, but not with everyone to see. There's a reason some things are kept private.
But the Internet, or rather whoever controls the Internet, doesn't care about that. Why? Because they are following their own secret agenda. And one of the points on that agenda is to normalize pedophilia, apparently.
Because stories like this seem to be increasingly popular. You can't pass a day online without reading about the sexuality of young children, about sexual education or see pictures of children in racy clothes, wearing makeup and “destroying barriers”.
Yes, the barriers between pedophiles and the rest of us. And it's not a good thing to break that barrier, is it?

Researching for this post, I came across another interesting article about Desmond. He's opening a club for drag kids in New York, apparently.
Let me rephrase that, a club full of dancing young children wearing makeup, high heels and racy clothes. Please picture that for one second. Did you feel sick for picturing it? I know I did.
You can also try to imagine how such a club might be used by the many affluent pedophiles in New York.
Just sayin'.

It might be worth a mention that I found this article in the DailyMail (among other papers). Last week, I did an article on child models – again children dressed inappropriately – and guess where I got my references from. Yup, DailyMail again.
Now, someone who reads DailyMail alone is already exposed to two articles praising sexualized children, in less than a week. If that person sees such posts for a few months, they will stop being surprised or shocked by such sick content. They will come to regard it as normal.

In this age of misinformation, we are being fed the wrong story titles.

One last thing I wanted to cover was the age of consent. If you do a quick check on Wikipedia, you will find that the age of consent in most countries ranges between 14 and 16 years old, although in some countries, it goes as low as 12. In the US, it's between 16 and 18. In Nigeria, it's 11.
France, who doesn't have an age of consent, is considering setting it at somewhere between 13 and 15, after numerous cases of pedophiles getting away scot-free. Of course, these men are not referred to as pedophiles, in the press, the stories are labeled as 'sex with minors'.

If you read the news, you would've seen many stories, in the past couple of years, pushing for lower ages of consent, all over Europe (and the US). This ought to tell you something. A low age of consent, such as 12-14, paired with these sexualized little kids, wearing makeup and being paraded as responsible adults will make sex with, say, a 13 year old child okay.

In many European countries, the minimum age for sex is 14 (France possibly reaching even lower, at 13). Now, that's a pretty drastic change from the 18-21 age of consent that existed some decades ago.
In 1275, the English age of consent was set as 12. In 2018, it's possible to have a European age of consent set at 13. We're going backwards and with good reason. In 1275, child marriage was a pretty normal thing. Many noblemen married young children, who were considered of child-baring age, because the life expectancy was lower. Women were not expected to live long, so they had to get them while they were young and fertile, in order to have heirs.
In 2018, it is also people in high places who are looking to make this okay again. Not for kids, but for kicks.

The reason I write about these things is that many people see pedophiles as these shady creeps, living in the darkness. Basically, dangerous but somehow far away. But when those shady perverts are taking control of your media and your laws, you need to know about them.

Thank you for reading!



With all the PC acceptance movements springing up, as well as, the constant high profile, scandal bombardment, there's definitely an agenda out there right now to normalize this type of nightmare fuel.

Exactly - the PC movement is clearly being used to push this kind of thing...I mean, the media promotes it, yes, but it's these PC people who love it and eat it right up (not to mention all this BS about babies' genders and all).

I was drinking my after breakfast second cup of coffee when I came across your post. I almost lost my breakfast! This is just sick beyond words. These creeps are every where. They don't just live in shadow world. When and where will it stop?

Sorry for ruining the coffee - I'm a huge coffee lover, myself, so didn't mean to. That's exactly my point, we have all these defense mechanisms in our heads and our society, to convince us we're safe, when we're not.

Yeah, f+cking disgusting. Unfortunately this isn't talked enough in today's day and age. Regular folks feel uncomfortable about it. Other folks just want to immediately shut down the discussion, for whatever reasons, by calling someone that brings this up a conspiracy-nut.

I guess you know about the ElsaGate stuff on YouTube, right?

This is tangential to the children's sexuality discussion... this transgender mania when it comes to kids is getting out of control too.

For example:

This New Law in Canada Could Remove Kids From Parents Who Reject Transgender Ideology

Or the gender unicorn:

Yes, that's one great thing I've found here on Steemit - that a lot of people are willing to talk about these horrible, unpleasant things. It's dumb to ignore them, because if you leave them in the dark, they'll only grow bigger. Besides, being informed on this shit is the only way you stand a chance to fight against it.
I didn't know about ElsaGate....fucking horrible stuff - I looked it up. I would say it's incredible that the people in charge don't take that stuff down...but knowing that that's what they're trying to sell, I guess it's not incredible at all..

Yes, the transgender, asexual stuff is going crazy, in my opinion. All sorts of insane "parents" who treat their children as genderless, and what not. It's not normal to think of young kids having gender issues and treat them like sexually aware beings.

Oh, don't get me started on the gender unicorn - I hate it. I have a good friend in the US and when she was in high school, she'd send me pics...these unicorns and gender stuff were everywhere around the school. They talked about it non-stop.
F-d up.

Everything in society has degraded. My cousin found it necessary to talk about his baby son's toileting success with such vivid and crude detail that I winced. My cousin is 10 years older than me. It is a generational thing as well.

I guess it is a generational thing, too. The problem is it's a peer pressure thing. If you see everyone acting in a certain way, even if you do think it's wrong at first, it'll grow on you.

I didn't think about that before. Interesting!

Pedophilia is something for which I will always ask for the greatest punishment, be it on the part of the State or on the part of society, it does not matter, it is simply sickly.

I think the biggest problem is that everyone is uncomfortable talking about this, but if you do not take action now, then in the future, when you see its normalization, then you want to throw it back but it will be too late.

Oh, I agree...I'd say the death penalty is too easy for these monsters...I can think of some pretty horrible, sick punishments, though.

Yes, that's a huge part of the problem. Idleness is a crime against humanity. you know how they say ignorance of the law isn't an excuse? Well, it's the same here. In thirty years, these people who don't listen now won't get to say We're sorry, we didn't know or didn't want to know.

Relevance:PedogateCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

The final taboo - that will NOT gain traction in society (if society stays relatively sane) - pedophilia.

Why? - Because it's cultural marxism meets anthropology, backed up by his mate, Darwin.

And those two will kick the mentally ill marxist's butt....

.....And our kids can play again...

I feel sorry for this generation at 5- 10 years old's now -- who are going to have serious mental issues going into adulthood and the rest of their lives.

A sad state of affairs..

It might be a 50 year old train crash, but when social engineering hits reality....


Honestly, I feel sorry for all of us if things don't change. Because, at this rate, the few sane ones (us, really) won't stand a chance against these blind masses of crazies.

This craziness of cultural marxism (not just pedophilia), is starting to unravel.

( the more extreme the pushing of lies - the closer it is to collapse)

The great thing about concepts, social engineering, intellectualism,et al -

It all sits on the mountain of affluence. It grows from decadence and luxury. Once that pile of affluence had been sucked dry (as non productive navel gazing tends to induce), and the harsh realities kicks back in.

People do not have time for silliness
They are too busy trying t make a living!

We are in the beginnings of that cycle, I believe..

Chin, up it will be getting better - it's the poor victims of this 'trap' I feel for.

And if the insane won't give back the keys to asylum, when 'we' asked - nicely - shoot 'em! lol

Great article! It seems poor Desmond can now join the likes of poor Lactashia, another little boy dressed in drag by his parents. When my now 5 year old son was about 3, he became fascinated with Elsa from Frozen. We let him put on the dress and didn’t make a fuss when he put towels and scarves on his head to look like long hair. When he started to say he wanted to be a girl like Elsa, we simply said, “ Well, you are a boy, so you can’t be a girl. You can grow your hair out when you are a grown up if you still want to. “ End of story, he moved on. Now, he’s all boy... playing with army guys and LEGO. For most kids, it’s probably as simple as making a childish statement about wanting to be the opposite sex, and the parents misconstrue it and turn their little, perfect child into a transgender mess.

Yes, exactly. It's normal for children to become curious, at some stage, about the opposite sex and dress like them and say they want to be a boy/girl, but it's a phase. As you said, they move on.
These parents are screwing up their kids' minds by allowing and condoning such behavior.
A young kid is confused from the get-go, if you - as a parent - start telling him I don't know, son, I guess you might be a girl, you're only going to confuse him.

It's one of those things we know about, but think we're immune to, so we sweep it under the carpet as it's not a 'nice' subject!
BUT what we really are doing, is helping these sick people by our silence as they stay under the radar. It could very well be the very nice next door neighbour for all we know!
But now even more disturbing reading about these parents!
Let our children be children, not mini versions of their parents' fantasies!Thank you for highlighting this disturbing issue @honeydue!