Excellent post mate! I just found it but wish I had before - I always love the way you write and the information you disseminate.
I was just looking into this alarming information and the first result on startpage was this post of yours! 🐴
Excellent post mate! I just found it but wish I had before - I always love the way you write and the information you disseminate.
I was just looking into this alarming information and the first result on startpage was this post of yours! 🐴
Thanks @jockey! Don't get many comments on older stuff so it was cool to get this message! This company has a dark history, how they still receive government contracts is beyond me.
Isn't it lovely to get comments on older work! 😉
It's awesome that Steemit posts come up in web searches because it means more people have access to this information than we realize.
Imagine how many people read Steemit posts but who do not yet have Steemit accounts themselves. That's very cool! Your post is as valuable today as it was when you wrote it. Perhaps more valuable in terms of truth and knowledge.
I am sure that both you and I can guess why Dyncorp still gets government contracts. The system is rotten to the core!
Yet through research, education and information dissemination - such as here on Steemit, things may change! It's a fascinating time to be alive!
Thanks for that post mate! I was looking for exactly that information and it was awesome to see that it was written by someone I know and respect! Boom! 😀