Time to pay for all the children you have raped and murdered.

in #pedogate7 years ago

steven speilberg exposed.jpg

Time for predator pedo Steven Speilberg to go away. Cory Feldman has not the balls to name you. We know what you do, and who you think you are. Your Satanic Getty connections cannot save you now. We own you. Time to pay for all the children you have raped and murdered.


Right after I put the scarlet letter on Pedo's forehead, there is an attempt to kill Team Feldman, aka Corey. Maybe he should just come out and admit that this is the predator that he is afraid of. Time has come for this wanna be black priest pedo movie maker must pay for the death of Heather. Pay close attention to this creep from now on, watch what he does, the guilty are very much afraid now.