This post will cover The Centers Gathering, Omega, Kitezh Russian Orphanage and Ecologia Youth Trust. Please note that this post is following on from Part 1:
These sites are discussed because, based on the information in my first post, it is clear that a Russian orphanage that participates in "student exchanges" with member NGO's of the Centers Gathering should be looked at closely. In doing so, one discovers a plethora of further interrelated NGO's which use monarch butterfly symbology and focus solely on youth programs in developing or poor countries.
In researching these groups, I found that GEN has a project in Auroroville, which in addition to having hired a convicted pedophile, was possibly mentioned by FBIanon.
In researching these groups, I found that GEN has a project in Auroroville, which in addition to having hired a convicted pedophile, was possibly mentioned by FBIanon.
I am putting information on these groups into this post due to their relationship with Harbin and Esalen through the Centers Gathering group. IInvestigation into this network shows a disturbing brand of globalism that appears to be beyond the reach of any one country to monitor, much less pedophilia specifically associated with the United Nations. The aim of these groups appears to be superficially to develop "eco friendly" and " intercultural" programs but this may be a facade for the purpose of child trafficking or other criminal activity.
Why is so much money being poured into apparently redundant programs? My thesis is that these programs are labeled "eco friendly" and etc, but are a cover for child trafficking in plain sight. I believe that these groups are operating in third world and war torn countries specifically in order to capitalize on access to children with few regulations, and that these children are then either being trafficked outright or being used in MKULTRA/ SRA type programs, in the guise of 'young leadership" initiatives.
We've already seen documented corruption by many establishment 'youth protective' services such as the NCMEC. Alert Sense of Amber Alert hired convicted child trafficker Laura Silsby to be their 'head of marketing.' The ICMEC is blatantly corrupt. More information on the ICMEC in this amazing post by Donald Washington
Podesta involvement with the NCMEC as well as DOJ links to many of these scandals and organizations (Arun Rao for example) have been some of the most highly censored topics in the pedogate investigation. It is difficult to comprehend that institutions and NGO's set up to 'protect' and help children are potentially the most corrupt current facilitators of organized child abuse. Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer was also likely murdered in retaliation for exposing the corruption of CPS.
With this context in mind, as well as the information in my previous post, I feel it is imperative to view the following organizations which purport to be in the interest of children, especially vulnerable orphans, disabled and disadvantaged youth, with utmost skepticism. If there is even a small chance that part of my hypothesis on these institutions is correct, it becomes morally impossible to remain silent, despite how odd the theory may sound.
Although this thesis may sound far-fetched, I believe time will eventually prove me correct in my belief that these organizations/NGOs are a cover for abuse and trafficking, as we have seen brought up with other child 'protective' programs. Unfortunately.
The Centers Gathering
International Holistic Centers Gathering is a network of NGO's referred to on the site as 'holistic centers.' Locations include Findhorn, The Haven in Gabriola, Esalen, Harbin Hot Springs and many more that should be investigated further. Harbin Hot Springs is the heaquarters for HAI Global, whose Executive Director Jason Weston also Co-Directed Healthwrights with David Werner, an admitted, documented pedophile See my first post for more of that background
The Centers Gathering is a program associated with GEN (Global Ecovilliage Network). The Centers Gathering is directly linked with the United Nations, as is the Ecologia Youth Trust which runs Ralph White, Founder of the Centers Gathering, Bio page here
Another page on Ralph from the Centers Gathering
Centers Gathering Twitter Feed
International Holistic Centers' Gathering Blog Post - The Network of Light – Then and Now
"After a few years of living in the Findhorn Foundation in the late ‘70s, working in Cluny Maintenance with Stan Stanfield and focalising programmes, Ralph moved to the States. There he was involved in the early years of the Omega Institute before co-founding the New York Open Center, the largest urban holistic centre in the US.
In the mid ‘80s Ralph was one of the initiators of the Holisic Centres Gathering, which began with participants from the Open Center, Esalen and Omega."
Timeline of the Gathering Members, including Findhorn, Esalen, Harbin, Omega, The Haven and others
Interview with Ralph White "He has been intimately involved in the creation and development of three major centers of holistic learning – the Findhorn Foundation in Northern Scotland, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY and the New York Open Center itself. He is also a seminar figure in the annual Holistic Centers’ Gathering"
White also edited this book on the Rosicrucian Enlightenment
Rlph's definition of holistic centers
More on the interconnectedness of these groups
"I have a long history of involvement with holistic learning and am creative director and co-founder of the New York Open Center, the city’s leading institution of holistic learning and world culture. I have a particular love of creating international conferences and esoteric quests that explore the lost spiritual history of the West....
ALEX: If you could have dinner with any person (living or dead) who would you choose and why?
RALPH: The great Austrian philosopher, educator and spiritual scientist, Rudolf Steiner ....He was possessed of an unrivaled grasp of the world’s esoteric traditions, and conducted stunning and deeply moving research into higher worlds, karma and reincarnation, and the true nature and destiny of humanity.
He also founded the worldwide Waldorf School and Biodynamic Agriculture movements, inspired the Camphill Villages for special needs children and adults, and seeded countless initiatives in fields as varied as medicine, banking, and the arts. He was also a very warm and open person possessed of brilliant insight into both individuals and the spirit of the times."
Rudolf Steiner and the Theosophical society
An Esoteric Quest In The Western Isles of Scotland
"Ralph lived at Findhorn from 1976 to 1979 when he was part of the original band of ‘Cluny Loonies’ who launched Findhorn Foundation Cluny Hill. Many people in the community remember him and it was a full house keen to reconnect again. After life in the community, he moved to America and was instrumental in launching Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck in 1982, now a kind of East Coast Esalen, where he was program director.
A few years later Ralph co-founded the New York Open Center, the major urban holistic learning center in the States. He has since been a seminal figure in the emerging global network of holistic centers which can be seen as part of an esoteric expression of Findhorn’s concept of the Network of Light. "
Ralph's book on dying is also given a recommendation by David Spangler, another early central member of Findhorn, who has espoused Luciferian beliefs.
"The Jeweled Highway is a rare beast, a compelling book of spiritual vision and inspiration that is also an exciting adventure story — a ‘ripping great yarn’ — and a testament to human courage and the willingness to push into the farthest frontiers in search of wisdom and spirit. In offering this memoir of a life very well lived, Ralph White also takes us on the most important quest of our time: the journey into the heart and soul — and magic — of a world in transformation. I enthusiastically recommend it!” — David Spangler"
This Page discusses the history of the Centers Gathering
"These centers included the newly established New York Open Center from Manhattan, Esalen Institute from Big Sur, California, Omega Institute from upstate New York, and the Boston/Cambridge center known as Interface. I was fortunate to be among that original group and it has been a strong blessing, one that has opened many doors, that life has enabled me to attend almost every Gathering since over the course of thirty years."
Kitezh Russian orphanage as well as numerous other youth-centered international programs in developing countries.
Ralph White, Founder of the Centers Gathering, Bio page here
He also directed this conference
"Ralph lived at Findhorn from 1976 to 1979 when he was part of the original band of ‘Cluny Loonies’ who launched Findhorn Foundation Cluny Hill. Many people in the community remember him and it was a full house keen to reconnect again. After life in the community, he moved to America and was instrumental in launching Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck in 1982, now a kind of East Coast Esalen, where he was program director.
A few years later Ralph co-founded the New York Open Center, the major urban holistic learning center in the States. He has since been a seminal figure in the emerging global network of holistic centers which can be seen as part of an esoteric expression of Findhorn’s concept of the Network of Light. "
Ralph's book on dying is also given a recommendation by David Spangler, another early central member of Findhorn, who has espoused Luciferian beliefs.
"The Jeweled Highway is a rare beast, a compelling book of spiritual vision and inspiration that is also an exciting adventure story — a ‘ripping great yarn’ — and a testament to human courage and the willingness to push into the farthest frontiers in search of wisdom and spirit. In offering this memoir of a life very well lived, Ralph White also takes us on the most important quest of our time: the journey into the heart and soul — and magic — of a world in transformation. I enthusiastically recommend it!” — David Spangler"
This Page discusses the history of the Centers Gathering
"These centers included the newly established New York Open Center from Manhattan, Esalen Institute from Big Sur, California, Omega Institute from upstate New York, and the Boston/Cambridge center known as Interface. I was fortunate to be among that original group and it has been a strong blessing, one that has opened many doors, that life has enabled me to attend almost every Gathering since over the course of thirty years."
Kitezh Russian Orphanage featured at The Centers gathering:
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The Centers gathering has a blog post titled "So she Wants to give Birth at a hollistic center?!" These posts on birth continue the motif of pregnancy and birth described in RA Anon's drawing and shown in admitted Pedophile david Werner's photographs. Birth is a common theme in SRA, and it was also mentioned by Amanda Kleinman in one of the comet ping pong videos, in the context of killing a child at birth.
The following links and screenshots establish the strong relationships between the interrelated groups - Esalen, Harbin, Findhorn, The Haven, the Centers Gathering, and more.
A Centers Gathering Page on Kitezh, describing the relationship between themselves, Kitezh, and Findhorn.
The People page at Centers Gathering also lists the "Director of Programming at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, attended her first Gathering in 2008," while "Executive Director of The Haven, on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada, attended her first Gathering in 2012 and co-ordinated the 2014 Gathering." (Showing that the Centers Gathering, Haven, Esalen, and Findhorn etc are all intimately directly connected)
From the About Page "After the 2011 Gathering at Harbin Hot Springs in Northern California, it returned to Europe in May 2012 as part of the Findhorn Foundation’s 50th birthday celebrations in Scotland."
So Harbin Hot Springs has hosted the Centers Gathering - as has Findhorn. Remembering that Harbin Hot Springs was associated with RA Anon's testimony as well as other anonymous accounts of CIA/ MKULTRA type abuse, as well as having close ties to an admitted pedophile who did in fact use UN/UNICEF NGO's as a vehicle to abuse vilnerable, disabled children in poor countries for years. Years after Werner's child abuse was well documented in the early 90's, he was STILL being hired by NGO's to visit poor countries involving children in at least as late as 2005
Centers Gathering has vague aims, at interpreted as hippy style globalism:
"Ultimately, the Gathering aims to include Centers on all continents and serve as a valuable instrument of planetary awakening."
The Centers Gathering partnering with GEN, "Global Eco Village Network", both of whom are involved with the Kitezh Orphanage.
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Relationship between GEN and Findhorn -
This Tedx Video from GEN was filmed at Findhorn
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Mission and goal page by GEN - Basically extremely globalistic.
This describes an extensive global network of organizations, many of which are focused on youth. The number of logos with butterflies as well as the use of the pedo spiral symbol is disturbing - if there is even a 1% chance this network is facilitating child abuse, then it is truly massive in scale and funding.
"The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) is a growing network of sustainable communities and initiatives that bridge different cultures, countries, and continents. GEN serves as umbrella organization for ecovillages, transition town initiatives, intentional communities, and ecologically-minded individuals worldwide."
"Network members include large networks like Sarvodaya (2,000 active sustainable villages in Sri Lanka); the Federation of Damanhur in Italy and Nimbin in Australia; small rural ecovillages like Gaia Asociación in Argentina and Huehuecoyotl, Mexico; urban rejuvenation projects like Los Angeles EcoVillage and Christiania in Copenhagen; permaculture design sites such as Crystal Waters, Australia, Cochabamba, Bolivia and Barus, Brazil; and educational centres such as Findhorn in Scotland, Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales, Earthlands in Massachusetts, and many more."
The pedo spiral seems to be incorporated into CASA Latin America
The Monarch Butterly seems to be a favorite symbol of GEN, which is a commonly reported mind control/ monarch/MKULTRA related symbol. If the Centers Gathering is practicing monarch programming, then the scope of its worldwide activities in doing so are horrifying in scale.
The members of the GEN international board do not appear on the current site; the wayback machine provides this information:
Daniel Greenburg is chair of the Board of GEN, and International President - his page on GEN's site is 404'd. However it appears through other publicly available information that he has been affiliated with Findhorn in the past as well as a focus on children in communal communities.
Geenburg is also founder and CEO of CAPE, "Custom Academic Programs in Ecovillages."
So why exactly do ecovillages need 'custom academic programs?' This is a perfect cover for MKULTRA/ Ritual abuse programs and general mass social control studies.
![greenburg at CAPE](
Greenburg has also been involved with Auroroville:
This may be of particular interest due to FBI Anon Mention of Auroroville.
Of special interest would be this mention:
FBI Anon (?) thread here
Of course, GEN's page on its Auroroville project has 404'd already
BBC documents Pedohilia claims specifically at Auroroville
From this report
"But even the Aurovillian authorities admit that the community did in the mid-90s include a convicted paedophile."
""They are allowed to get away with whatever they like, including paying our children to have sex with them, and we are powerless to complain."
"The locals think it is not fair. They are the ones who work full-time, and often for less than the Aurovillians get in maintenance grants.
"I feel like a slave," one of them told me.
Also - what is this?!
GEN is funded by the GAIA trust, as well as Ecolise.
"Gaia Trust, Denmark is a charitable entity supporting sustainabilty projects around the world. It was founded in 1987 on the initiative of Ross and Hildur Jackson, with the intention of supporting the transition to a sustainable and more spiritual future society through grants and proactive initiatives.
Two NGOs especially have been supported for many years and continue to be supported, namely the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education. Many other smaller projects in the areas of local sustainability initiatives, permaculture, etc. occasionally receive supporting grants."
According to GAIA trust: "A few of the GEN affiliated university programs include: University of Dakar, University of Washington, Cornell University, University of Madras, Ithaca College, Pacific Lutheran University, University of New Hampshire, Kalamazoo College, University of Brasilia, University of Colorado, Environmental University of Curitiba, and others."
GEN is associated with 'The Farm' in Tennessee
GAIA Trusts' page on GEN provided this image of Auroville
Ross Jackson, founder of GAIA Trust has his own website here
This page lists some individuals associated with the Centers Gathering - including connections to the Omega Institute whose Board of Directors include Bruce Schearer , a lifetime member of the Council of Foreign Relations - in addition to Manuela Roosevelt.
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The Executive Leadership at the Omega Institute
Bill Clinton spoke at the Omega Institute in 2013Pdf Downdload here
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KITEZH - A Russian Orphanage
The Kitezh orphanage is also a program of the Ecologia Youth Trust, which facilitates activities in numerous third world countries like the Nation of Georgia, Uganda, Kenya and Thailand.
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New York Times Article on Kitezh Orphanages
Findhorn involvement in Kitezh Community
It may not seem odd at first glance for a group of NGO's like the [Centersgathering], The Haven at Gabriola, Findhorn etc to be involved with a Russian orphanage. However in light of the level of focus given to sexuality at the Haven, one has to wonder why children are involved with the campus at all. What exactly is going on with Kitezh orphanage in Russia? Why are these groups involved with it? Is it yet another example of infamous child "protection" institutions being used as a cover for trafficking? Adoption agencies have rightfully come under additional scrutiny lately in reference to their use in child trafficking. Kitezh should be scrutinised in the same light.
The Haven is part of the centers Gathering, and participates in 'Student Exchanges' with children from the Russian Orphanage Kitezh, founded in 1992 by Dimitri MorozovOne "Youth exchange" trip by The Haven members to Kitezh in Russia is described on the Haven's blog: "The final session and ending ceremony the next day, 2 days off including a Russian sauna experience...."
Another blog entry describes: What I learned from the Kitezh Youth Exchange
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Kitezh has been called a "revolutionary eco-village community, providing a unique form of family-based care for homeless and orphaned children in Russia". Here they find "a positive experience of family life which enables them to recover from the trauma of earlier years to become open, loving, valuable and contributing members of society. With the right kind of support, Kitezh is becoming a real and inspiring alternative model to the present state-run child-care institutions."
"Since 1993 Kitezh has functioned as a non-government, non-profit home and school for orphaned Russian children in a community of foster families who live together on a large piece of land in a rural area 300km south of Moscow in Kaluga region near Baryatino... There are 20 permanent resident adults, who care for 30 children as foster parents and teachers. Their goal is to provide for 50 families with 200 children with the long-term intention to create 50 Kitezh villages elsewhere in Russia" (Haven.12).
Liza Hollingshead, founder of Ecologia Youth Trust, first met Morosov in 1992, just a year after he founded Kitezh. In 2012 on, Hollingshead writes "Over the past 20 years, through the vehicle of Ecologia Youth Trust, I became more and more involved in supporting this extraordinary experiment. In 1996 we took a group of our Youth Project teenagers to Kitezh .... The following year Dmitry brought a small group of children, all orphans, to Findhorn and they visited other parts of Scotland as well" (CG.3).
The Haven in Gabriola, Canada and Findhorn in Scotland are associated with the Kitezh orhpanage. Kitezh is also listed at GEN's website, which is again connected to the Centers Gathering and the United Nations. The Gen page links Kitezh specifically to GAIA trust via
This site which is associated with kitezh Describes Kitezh as "a scientific laboratory, where, in practice, the search for new technologies of training and education. " This is extremely significant, alluding to at least experiments in social control as an aim (evoking Tav*stock) of their work, if not alluding to more serious MKULTRA/SRA activities.
Note it also mentions that wealthier children from Moscow participate.
Role Playing is a recurring activity at Kitezh, as documented in this New York Times article.
While this may seem relatively innocuous, the photograph seems to show that the 'role playing' exercise is centered around a child playing dead. This is disturbing in itself; it is even moreso when one remembers that David Werner called this photograph a 'role playing exercise,' as well.
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Kitezh's website has an entire page dedicated to Role Playing Games for Children
The New York Times also published this article on the orphanage. It says: "Dmitri Morozov, a former radio talk-show host, founded Kitezh in 1992 as a kind of orphan collective, building the village with the help of volunteers and adoptive parents on a rural plot of land donated by the Kaluga Region government with donations largely from foreign organizations....The 30 or so children who now live there study, work and eat together, and live in private homes with their adoptive parents, who are also trained teachers, psychologists and medical personnel...."Kitezh is a large experiment," said Shchurav, the adoptive parent who has lived there three years. "We are trying out the latest methods in psychological therapies: play therapy, art therapy, drama therapy. We even play economic games. No one in Russia has tried what we are doing with these children."
"There is now enough money donated largely from Russian and foreign companies and nongovernmental organizations that Morozov is building a new orphan village called Orion, about two hours away from the original village. Orion already has four houses, a school and a dining hall, and four families with 10 children have moved in."
Kitezh is funded by the Ecologia Youth Trust More
Orion is described as a program of Ecologia Youth Trust here,- but there is no record of it on the site and I cannot find trace of it online. (more eyes needed)
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Kitezh Funding
Another page on Kitezh
Kitezh mentioned by Sputnik News
Dimitri Morozov's zoominfo page shows that he has been employed by Findhorn, as well having founded (?) the Ecologia Youth Trust.
Pdf account of Dmitri and kITEZH
Global Fund for Childre, page on Kitezh
More on the connections between Findhorn, Ecologia Youth Trust and Kitezh as well as other orphanages and programs in developing countries focusing on children - here
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Thailand is a center of child sex tourism and trafficking. The nation of Georgia also has human trafficking problems.
More information on the history of Kitezh, here
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Another, bizarre site which is listed on Kitezh's page as a supporter
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Kitezh Stories about Parenting
Links to this bizarre site and content like it - Note on some sites like those in Russian or German, you need to click translate to read it in English. If you can't find that on your browser you can always copy paste text into google translate.
Supporter of Kitezh is a financial group in the Netherlands
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Kitezh Supporter in Russia - involved with the UN etc etc
"International organizations | Special consultative status with UN ECOSOC
Associate member of the UN Department of Public Information | Associate
member of the International Organization of National Trusts
Collective member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) |
Member of the Pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage "Europa Nostra""
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Another Russian Hippy "New Cosmic Thinking]( NGO.
This Game is listed associated w/ Kitezh on the Kitezh Site along with This.
"Kitezh Children’s Community, Russia
Ecologia was founded in 1995 by Liza Hollingshead, our CEO, as a natural outreach from the Findhorn Community. After meeting Dmitry Morozov, the founder of the Kitezh Children’s Community in Russia, and as a result of a growing concern about the conditions in Russian orphanages, Liza was inspired by Dmitry’s unique idea "
Supporters of Kitezh include This Bizarre site
Related: Hollyhock
10. Kitezh orphanage/children's community
Gen's Twitter Feed
Ross Jackson connected to Maria Gomori
Kitezh Orhpanage is also linked to Ecologia Youth Trust, which is a British charity that runs various child-focused programs in third world countries like Thailand, Uganda, Kenya and the Nation of Georgia.
Ecologia has programs centered on children in numerous developing or third world countries. One program in the nation of Georgia focuses on Disabled children.
""Ecologia is working in partnership with Braveheart Georgia – a registered Georgian
charity that works with disadvantaged and disabled children through the vehicle of
music, encouraging cross-cultural exchanges with children from Temi, a community
for socially vulnerable children in Georgia and Thornlie Primary School in Wishaw,
a deprived area in Glasgow. We also support Datuna a young disabled Georgian boy
who was abandoned by his parents and who has now been adopted by a Scottish family.
Our work in the High Caucasus Mountains continues to support disabled children
in remote mountain villages and enables them to reach their potential." "
![Screen Shot 2017-04-05 at 2.22.49 PM.png](
A pdf from Braveheart Georgia emphasizing pre christian rituals Archive available here
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This particular program is reminiscent of the ones run by admitted pedophile David Werner in connection with the UN and various NGO's. Some of which still hire him to run trips to third world countries and interact with children despite him having admitted to abusing boys sexually. I have not confirmed a tie between Werner and this program yet, am still looking but would not be surprised if there is a connection.
Ecologia Youth Trust twitter feed
Ecologia Youth Trust page on 'Who We Are
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makes me think that the Denver airport murals are somehow connected to these NGOs
Nice work as always.