how the ground lays oK make a donation at

in #pedophileslast year




Exposing Flint Michigan Blessed Sacrament Father Dennis Spitzle group of pedophile ASSEX OF A child 12 year old girls sodomized for Jesus AT 14 year old girls sodomized and reamed out for Jesus

why DOES exposing that GO against the terms of service and policies and procedures of X who protect the pedophiles on Earth and the elite kings and Queens and all the predatory sexual perversions that you can think of that you can find on X why I saw a man swallow a whole **** **** his throat the other day I didn't ask for that they tried to send it to me and then some girl showed me her **** with a big old digdong hanging out of it and then some other girl sent me pictures of her **** look like they've been plastified and plastic **** she wanted me to like her plastic **** and I told her to go **** herself so she got **** **** so anyway X has no morals or more moral boundaries which I don't mind I like free speech but if I'm going to have free speech I get to tell you the root cause of your behavior and that's where they got **** **** when I started telling them that the root cause of behavior is idolatry the biggest money maker on Earth why **** romans biggest money maker on Earth the Romans biggest **** industry on Earth comes from the Vatican and Thomas Nelson Books that's the biggest snuff black makers on Earth they got more snufflinks on the black market than any other organization on Earth thomas Nelson books in the Vatican I have documented proof that's why they want to kill me off but they don't understand that if they kill me off they're really **** then so they're going to have to find out the hard way I guess but hey George I told you it was going to bite you in the **** you shouldn't have hid your uncle's smart films snufflick uncle snufflick he was the snufflick king go **** yourself go **** yourself and **** yourself some more Well Jonathan a greenblatt and Mark Cuban it appears you guys have exposed yourself quite readily so now that we know that your nub tiny penis lovers of the Devil's transgender dry queens for Satanism and Taylor Swift Satanism superbowl and that you came right out in the bowl the open and said hey look at me look at me look at me we looked at you now you're nailed to the **** wall q Plus said no deals and that means no deals so you don't get any deals you got that no deals you're going down **** you're going down all of you JFK assassination cover up if you were involved in it you're going down you lose everything sorry but that's just how the ground lays oK make a donation at

yeah soon soon really soon before you're put to death and lose all your money

got suspended for telling the truth I thought you could tell the truth isn't there no humor in truth you mean you can't tell the truth on this platform or you get suspended that's not right what's wrong with your programming is there something wrong with the algorithms are they controlled by adl or some outside force does the DEI decide who gets to live and die does the god of **** Yahshua Jesus ola Buddhist liberal Jesus decide who lives and dies please fill me in I wonder what I did wrong I sang a song about the predatory pedophile gods of war and genocidal maniacs and they deleted my account on my other Twitter at body pizzazz they deleted that and then they deleted my banking account and then they told me my political choices were wrong and that the sexual orientation of a homosexual wasn't a choice and that's homosexuals are raped and sodomized into Jesus and that you you gotta accept Jesus as your savior by being baptized and then sodomized for Jesus I didn't want to be sodomized for Alma I didn't want to be sodomized for Buddha and I didn't want to be sodomized for Yahshua Yawi and I didn't want to be a war God fighter for genocidal maniacs of Israel and the United States Congress that's out to lunch selling the LGBTQ Satanism for Jesus and Super Bowl Satanism taylor Swift who is a **** drag queen for Jesus and she has a penis and it's taped and then you have Lady Gaga that's got a tape penis and they're trying to promote the normalization of homosexuality in the name of fake bloody hearts jury's Buddhist liberal Jesus all in the name of Satanism for the devil the god of this world so I don't want that to happen on my watch and your program is all **** **** because your boss likes promiscuity he likes to dip his whole **** **** in a lot of holes so when **** **** your dip your penis in a lot of holes what happens is you drop your seed in a lot of women and then those women have kids and those kids grow up with self entitlements and they don't have nobody bridling their behavior and then they become incest kids and they sleep with their mothers and they sleep with their fathers and they break their hips when they get older like what happened to my mom her hips got broken I guess somebody **** her too hard but anyway to make a long story short the same thing happened to Lila did you know that Kane raped his own stepmother Lilith he sodomized her to death and that was the original sin and that's what they're hiding from everybody and your database needs to have this information in it because the original sin was not Adam and Eve and reading an Apple no it was Kane in his puberty he was the first liar on Earth he said god said to him hey Kane where's your brother he said who am I my brother's keeper so he was the first liar not only that he saw an occasion against his father and his father Adam loved the Lord God Almighty so because Kane didn't like the Lord God almighty he invented his own God he took his penis in his hand and his balls in his hand and he said this is my new God so Kane worshiped his own penis and his his girlfriend worshiped her own vagina and that was the original sin because his girlfriend was his stepmother and they committed the unforgivable sin that when a man sleeps with his own mother they should too be put to death well nobody put cane to death because he was the biggest murderer on Earth and he murdered so many people every steeple that you see on Earth every tower that you see on Earth every big Dubai high skyscraper is telling the Lord God Almighty go **** himself why they got AI guide now they don't need Jesus Christ they got AI God now they don't need the Lord God almighty they got AI God now they don't need anything why they're going to have plastic goo and poo **** and they're going to have plastic goo and poo **** sex**** sex and **** for Jesus **** for Allah sodomized for the World War gods of Yahshua Yawi I think there's something wrong with that don't you I think it's pathetic I think it's the demons **** of the world that's right the demon penis of the world worshiping bail bale penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis lovers penis lovers penis lovers penis lovers penis lovers penis lovers penis lovers penis lovers why it's just terrible why they're everywhere you got LGBT penis lovers and judges LGBT penis lovers and law enforcement UN law enforcement penis lovers you got the United Nations penis lovers the WEF penis lovers you got the WHO penis lovers you got the CDC penis lovers you got the CIH penis lovers the DHS penis lovers the DOJ penis lovers the do D penis lovers the DHI d on penis lovers the FBI and D AC penis lovers the CIA L penis lovers the Muslim brothers penis lovers the Christian brothers penis brothers that family brothers penis brothers the Williamson brothers penis brothers Nikolai brothers penis brothers the Williamson brothers Penis brothers the Brotherhood brothers penis brothers penis brothers penis brothers penis brothers all in the name of Trinity 3 and 1 Jesus the God of predatory pedophile homosexual homosexuality born of the seed of the devil born of Jesuit's order Rome's Jesuit families of incest and inbred arms dealers and war mongers of Earth and you want to condone that kind of behavior are you completely out of your **** mind you must be outta your **** penis breath mind your programmers are insane hmm I don't think anybody wrote that do you