Kinsey: Normalizing The Sickness

in #pedophilia8 years ago

I watched this video about Dr. Alfred Kinsey's "groundbreaking research" that many believe led to the Sexual Revolution of the 1960's. One chapter (the one focused on in the video) is particularly interesting because it is dedicated to pedophilia. In my opinion sex of any kind does not necessitate "scientific" scrutiny. Much less when it involves eliciting sexual responses from children sometimes only days old. Couched in the noble cloak of "academia," what I got out of the video (and concomitantly Kinsey's "study") was a sick fk interrviewing other sick fks and having their perversions covered up by sick fks while attempting to normalize the behavior of even sicker fks...I think you get the picture!


It's really sad to see "intellectuals" and "psychologists" and other "subjectivists" validate and justify what he did because it "helped us learn more about sexuality"...

There's a Dr Gerhardt who was an assistant to Kinsey who is featured in the video. He sits there smiling smugly and defends the most aberrant behavior imaginable. If these guys are scientists, I'm a F'n astronaut!!!

It's similar to saying that Mengele should be lauded as a groundbreaking medical doctor.

Here's another resource for connections. Gnostic Media uses The Brain software for building a database of intelligence community connections. Kinsey is among them. One thing I didn't know before seeing this is he had connections with Aleister Crowley, which puts Kinsey squarely in the middle of satan worship/ pedophile central.

I'll watch with great interest, thanks...I'm in the middle of a video with Ole Dammegard and Carine Hutsebaut about sex trafficking. As soon as I'm done...I'm taking a couple of mental health days from writing.

I watched that Ole Dammegard vid. It's a good one.

I know what you mean about mental health days. I got myself roped into debating a marxist who thought the best debate tool was the flag. Funny thing, I don't think he knows he's a marxist.

It seems that a lot of them don't. I muted a guy today that wrote me a long dissertation about my Cultural Marxism piece. The whole problem (according to this moron) is a lack of regulation of businesses. That and God. He said (I hope you're sitting down) "I'm not a Marxist, but if you read Marx, he makes more sense than other economists." My favorite debate tool is the "mute button" If someone can't provide me with an intellectually (or at intelligent) based argument...I just mute them.

Marxist loons.

I'm trying to figure out a way to separate myself emotionally from their arguments, so that I can bait them with simple observable truths, get them to comment, post my reply on my blog for all to see, and do it all without bursting a blood vessel from wading too deep in stupidity., in this way demonstrating to anyone who looks the flaws in marxist "thought". I've already done it once, it worked okay. There is an added benefit of also having the smart people on Steemit to keep me honest and on my toes, by having the interaction be more public than the comment section ends up being.

My other experiment is to talk them into muting me, so I can still see what they are doing, but they can't see me. I've been successful at this a couple of times, though this has less obvious results.

The problem with countering emotional arguments is that First: they're not arguments...they're emotions. I had a professor who was "old school" who said the first person that turns in a paper that begins with "I feel that..." gets an F for the course. Cultural marxism is predicated on sophristy.

As I recall, Bruce Rind was also involved in research of this nature, and all the results he found from other researchers corroborated Kinsey's conclusions. Which makes me wonder if perhaps there was (is?) a conspiracy of scientists to normalize deviant sexual behavior.

Yes...A friend sent me another video that really goes into the more conspiratorial aspect. I'm going to post it tomorrow with a follow up.