Go to:
type in your account name preceded by "bts-"
Peerplays tokens will be shown as "Test"
BTW, I am using Firefox.
Rocket Chat: bunkerchain.labs "The current testnet sharedrop does NOT include collateral balances."
Go to:
type in your account name preceded by "bts-"
Peerplays tokens will be shown as "Test"
BTW, I am using Firefox.
Rocket Chat: bunkerchain.labs "The current testnet sharedrop does NOT include collateral balances."
Still asks for me to login or create an account.
Edit: Because of the way the routing works on the Graphene GUI, you have to go to
first and then append/#/explorer/accounts
to the URL and pressenter
after the page has fully loaded.Thanks for this! I was interested to see what would be sharedropped on me :)
PS. I also used Firefox as Chrome crashed when I opened the first link. Could have been me and I'm rebooting now to have a fresh OS boot.
But it will include BTS held in collateral? I had most of my BTS in collateral but still got a healthy helping of Peerplays. :)