Hello @peerplays support
I have claimed my PPY from bts airdrop and transferred to livecoin 2 days ago. I have opened a ticket and they advised the below
As you can see, this block has not yet been imported into SteemDB.
We can only credit a valid transaction that has received confirmation
Can someone please have a look?
@peerplays Can I please have an update regarding my issue? Have I lost the funds? Is PPY blockchain broken? If one can not make PPY transfers then PPY is useless.
I care less if I lose these funds since in the end of the day it was airdroped to me but it is a matter of principle and confidence in the future of the platform.
Any reply, advice or if there is something I need to do will be appreciated.
Nice post
Nic post
I have an unconfirmed eth transaction for 24 hours.
eth is eth... but PPY is Graphene...There is no excuse for such a long time unconfirmed transaction unless peerplays blockchain is broken or I don't know what else..
I didnt rise my gas enough like I should care about fine tuning that kind of stuff when I just want to do a transfer.
Pffff all that should be automated. The end user shouldn't be bothered with that technicalities imho.
@peerplays It is very interesting that no one is answering about the unconfirmed transfer after 3 days.. That brings a lot of confidence in PPY blockchain...