Peerplays Status Udate 09/01/2016

in #peerplays8 years ago


Peerplays Test Net goes LIVE September 26th

We are happy to announce that we are on schedule to begin public beta testing of the world’s first real-time interactive on-chain game on Monday, September 26th. More information about how you can get involved with testing will be available soon.

New website goes LIVE September 26th

The website is getting a makeover, with updated milestones and timelines, a countdown clock to the auction crowdsale, and a ton of new information about the project.

Referral Rewards Program pushed back a few weeks

We have decided to push back the pre-launch referral rewards program until after the test net goes live. We will be announcing the exact dates for this program in a few weeks.

BTS Sharedrop update

The Peerplays snapshot window opened at midnight UTC on September 1st, and runs until midnight UTC on September 16th. If you want to be eligible for the shardrop, please transfer your BTS tokens to a wallet where you control the private keys right away. See the BTS Snapshot Update for more details.

Also, if you still have unclaimed BitShares 1.0 tokens, you must import your balances into a BitShares client (Freedom Ledger, Open Ledger, or BitShares light client) in order to be eligible for the Peerplays snapshot.

Please stop by the Peerplays RocketChat channel if you have any other questions.



Downvoted as an announcement post with relatively little substance that is of interest to no more than a small minority of the current and prospective Steemit user base.

The launch date of a new prototype blockchain being announced we would not classify as being of interest to only a 'small minority'. Regardless, is this a signal to our organization that we should not be bringing our news and content to the steemit site which we also promote through our social channels? Who is this 'the current and prospective Steemit user base' that is the majority?

You are certainly welcome to post. But $2000 for a short announcement even with my downvote? (What would it have been without?) I really dispute that you have anything to complain about here.

We aren't complaining, but responding to your stated reasoning and attempted to reconcile the action to ensure we are not punished again for unclear reasons. Your second post now seems to indicate the first stated reasoning was not why you downvoted, but instead was for some kind of monetary judgement/punishment that you felt should not be merited to such degree. This is not the fault of our content as you first attributed it to, but how steem works. You choose to downvote it because of its popularity. Prior to downvoting a post there are suggested reasons for doing so, and we don't agree based on your response your action on our post was reasoned with such. While you have focused on the earnings, our concern is the negative reputation your action as inflicted on our profile that was not warranted. This is also how steem works. Was it your intention to also harm our reputation rating?

If you understand how reputation works, it generally follows rewards (edge case of being upvoted by people with negative reputation being ignored here as it doesn't matter). If you earn $2000 in rewards that means your reputation has increased. It has increased less than if you earned $3000-4000 in rewards, but this does not seem like a problem to me. Do you disagree?

and this is why you do not announce referral programs weeks in advance :)

other than that it's great to hear you're on track with the testnet/roadmap

Woohoo! Can't wait...

Great to read more about this revolutionary site upcoming. Can't wait to ear more! Namaste :)

Can't wait to hold some sharedropped peerplay tokens! It's been so long since a proper BTS sharedrop. Thanks @peerplays ! :)

I want to take a part!

All you have to do is to have some BTS in BitShares client (Freedom Ledger, Open Ledger, or BitShares light client) !!!

Ok, understand, need to buy some BTS.

So if we have bts in bitshareslight, the drop will occur automatically into that wallet?

You will qualify for the sharedrop but it won't happen in your wallet.

The PEERPLAY token is at the moment on the BitShares platform but it won't be there forever. PEERPLAY will have it's own Graphene based blockchain, just like Steem. When they'll launch their blockchain, you will be able to redeem your PEERPLAY in their wallet, on their blockchain.

It will be done probably using the keys you have in your wallet but don't worry, these guys are doing everything so a wide audience can follow. It won't be complicated and they'll provide a tutorial of some sort. If not, I'll do it myself in a blog ^^

Thanks for the clarification.

Followed for updates :)

Is there any chance you will be making the rewards/affiliate program multi-tier so that if you recruit people, and they recruit friends, you get a share of their recruits as well?

There are no plans at present to add that kind of complexity/issues to the program. However, there is always the opportunity to become a gateway which is effectively similar to what you are talking about. It just requires more effort to get setup. More details at a later date.

Ok, cool. Thanks for your response :) I look forward to the launch!

Peerplays would get a lot more leads as a sidechain of Steem, just like Zinga made its business by integrating its games with Facebook.

Interesting post!

Is it a game where you can mine coins?

it's applications/extensions where you can play games for alt coins. Go into your android play store and lookup peercoin.As long as you have your brainkey from open-ledger/smartcoins wallet then it will be directed least it has for me. Hope this helps!

A little bit too complecated for me. Brainkey? Open ledger? I'm on the dumb side with this tecno talk.

@christoph3 Thanks for the PPC update

Wow! So interesting.. Such a simple thing that we can earn coin. It can helps a lot of people 😊

Keep sharing with us @peerplays

I hope you get rich with your shitcoin.

I’ve been keeping up with eSports projects in the space and their timelines and I see that you guys have decided to launch on the same day is opening up their crowdfunding campaign. As an LoL player I’ve always wanted to be able to make my games count for something. I feel that whoever can provide the most secure service to protect my crypto will definitely get my business. On top of that, I am a discerning gamer and know that there are many scam artist out there. Why would your coin not be considered a security under SEC regulations? It hits all 4 prongs of the Howey Test.